Forchheim Vereinsmeisterschaft A July 2010 Germany FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report July 2010
Forchheim Vereinsmeisterschaft A - Germany      start: 2010-03-01  more info
More information: The full list of Germany tournaments received for July 2010 
 4605446  Huemmer, Bernd GER 2185   7.00 10 30.3
 4614950  Mons, Leon GER 2187   6.50 10 26.25
 4604660  Bartsch, Berthold GER 2177   6.50 11 -6.9
 4603044  Niedermaier, Hans GER 2176   6.00 10 -4.5
 4602722  Heidrich, Manfred GER 2168   6.00 10 -12.8
 24601896  Haubold, Martin GER 2197   5.50 11 28.8
 4678460  Koch, Moritz GER 2189   5.50 9 -1.8
 4699033  Seyb, Alexander GER 2177   5.00 10 -17.4
 24687022  Miller, Eduard GER 2200   4.00 10 16.35
 24615790  Fiedler, Wolfgang GER 2195   3.50 10 -0.75
 24625736  Adler, Herbert GER 2189   0.50 9 -35.55
 4645596  Grosshans, Ralf-Michael GER 2171   0.00 2 -15.6
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Germany tournaments received for July 2010 

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