Archive. Tournament report May 2012
21st Annual Eastern Class Championships - United States of America      start: 2012-03-02  more info
More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for May 2012 
 2000164  Kudrin, Sergey USA 2342   3.50 5 -2.1
 2000202  Ivanov, Alexander USA 2431   3.00 4 6.7
 2052717  Fikiet, Alex M USA 2315   2.50 5 7.35
 2035251  Perez, Robert USA 2285   2.00 3 7.5
 2017199  Friedel, Joshua E USA 2344   2.00 4 -7.6
 2059460  Gu, Christopher USA 2225   2.00 3 8.25
 13600818  Kekelidze, Mikheil GEO 2560   2.00 3 8.6
 2806126  Gerzhoy, Leonid CAN 2307   2.00 3 -0.7
 2030012  Harmon-Vellotti, Luke USA 2435   2.00 4 14.85
 2044447  Colas, Joshua USA 2228   1.50 3 8.55
 13600702  Gelashvili, Tamaz GEO 2492   1.50 3 -5.2
 2012430  Sharp, Dale E USA 2204   1.00 4 -3.15
 2007029  Busygin, Stanislav USA 2211 2211 1.00 2 0
 2020904  Rozovsky, Daniel USA 2122   1.00 3 -6
 2004887  Shankland, Sam USA 2217   1.00 2 -8
 4108132  Pismennyy, Avraam RUS 2253   1.00 2 -1.05
 2052318  Xu, Grant Y USA 2177   1.00 3 -4.35
 2052776  Richman, Jonathan USA 2199   0.00 4 -19.5
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for May 2012 

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