Archive. Tournament report July 2013
Floersheimer Clubmeisterschaft 2013 Meisterklasse - Germany      start: 2013-03-15  more info
More information: The full list of Germany tournaments received for July 2013 
 4643135  Ruppert, Wolfgang GER 1939   7.00 7 28.2
 4668634  Lahr, Markus GER 1951   4.00 7 -5.1
 1271690  Beck, Michael GER 1971   4.00 7 17.25
 4623754  Mussler, Thomas GER 1944   3.50 7 -19.8
 24652490  Jamali, Wahid GER 1964   3.50 7 1.95
 12973025  Seidel, Thomas GER 1928 1839 2.50 7 0
 24652504  Weber, Andreas GER 1975   2.00 7 -8.55
 24655619  Budde, Michael GER 1974   1.50 7 -35.4
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Germany tournaments received for July 2013 

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