Original Tournament Report
CIS 2019 - Serie Promozione Liguria 1 [213342] (ITA, Santa Margherita Ligure) Start: 2019-03-15
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2844147 Baldi, Alberto ITA     1720 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Ricco , Matteo   ITA 1262   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Hu, Xuandi   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2019-03-16   Cala , Ivano   ITA 1432   1.0  
4 2019-03-17   Delucis, Ludovico   ITA 1332   1.0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
808296 Lanzavecchia, Pierdante ITA     2118 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Croci, Luigi   ITA 1525   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Mazzetta, Franco   ITA 1691   1.0  
3 2019-03-16   Caputi, Giuliano   ITA 1844   0.5  
4 2019-03-17   Roveta, Andrea   ITA 1500   1.0  
5 2019-03-17   Dritsakos, Alessio   ITA 1998   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2820663 Wintour, Thomas ITA     1671 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Caselli, Cristiano   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Tiby, Marco   ITA 0   0.5  
3 2019-03-16   Dordoni, Riccardo   ITA 1522   1.0  
4 2019-03-17   Delucis, Mauro   ITA 1446   1.0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
846899 Dritsakos, Alessio ITA     1998 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Mazzetta, Franco   ITA 1691   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Croci, Luigi   ITA 1525   1.0  
3 2019-03-16   Sensoli, Riccardo   ITA 1306   0  
4 2019-03-17   Caputi, Giuliano   ITA 1844   0  
5 2019-03-17   Lanzavecchia, Pierdante   ITA 2118   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
821993 Caputi, Giuliano ITA     1844 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Sensoli, Riccardo   ITA 1306   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Tiby, Giovanni Maria   ITA 1358   0.5  
3 2019-03-16   Lanzavecchia, Pierdante   ITA 2118   0.5  
4 2019-03-17   Dritsakos, Alessio   ITA 1998   1.0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
816256 Caridi, Nicolo ITA     1781 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Schiappacasse, Giuliano   ITA 1427   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Vallarino, Giacomo   ITA 1779   1.0  
3 2019-03-16   Cavatorta, Ivan   ITA 1799   1.0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2837680 Tiby, Giovanni Maria ITA     1358 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (+)  
2 2019-03-16   Caputi, Giuliano   ITA 1844   0.5  
3 2019-03-16   Camera, Giampaolo   ITA 1555   0.5  
4 2019-03-17   Dordoni, Riccardo   ITA 1522   1.0  
5 2019-03-17   Ricco , Matteo   ITA 1262   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2875646 Barbero, Filippo ITA     1474 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Neuhold, Piero   ITA 1515   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Mereta, Carlo   ITA 1509   1.0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Tiby, Marco   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2830820 Sensoli, Riccardo ITA     1306 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Caputi, Giuliano   ITA 1844   0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (+)  
3 2019-03-16   Dritsakos, Alessio   ITA 1998   1.0  
4 2019-03-17   Croci, Luigi   ITA 1525   0  
5 2019-03-17   Roveta, Andrea   ITA 1500   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2881786 Parodi, Matteo ITA     1233 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Vallarino, Giacomo   ITA 1779   1.0  
2 2019-03-16   Schiappacasse, Giuliano   ITA 1427   0  
3 2019-03-16   Caselli, Cristiano   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
826359 Vallarino, Giacomo ITA     1779 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Parodi, Matteo   ITA 1233   0  
2 2019-03-16   Caridi, Nicolo   ITA 1781   0  
3 2019-03-16   Roveta, Andrea   ITA 1500   1.0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (+)  
5 2019-03-17   Croci, Luigi   ITA 1525   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2819436 Bottaro, Mario ITA     1634 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Giordano, Edoardo   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (+)  
5 2019-03-17   Schiappacasse, Giuliano   ITA 1427   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2806482 D Augusta, Paolo ITA     1553 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Cala , Ivano   ITA 1432   0.5  
2 2019-03-16   Giordano, Edoardo   ITA 0   0.5  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Ricco , Matteo   ITA 1262   1.0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
817392 Vello, Bruno ITA     1578 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Cacciatore, Mattia   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (+)  
5 2019-03-17   Brugnolo, Paolo   ITA 1270   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2891790 Pumilia, Antonello ITA     1531 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Camera, Giampaolo   ITA 1555   1.0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Danesi, Lorenzo   ITA 1097   1.0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2816542 Caselli, Cristiano ITA     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Wintour, Thomas   ITA 1671   0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Parodi, Matteo   ITA 1233   0  
4 2019-03-17   Brugnolo, Paolo   ITA 1270   1.0  
5 2019-03-17   Danesi, Lorenzo   ITA 1097   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2847480 Tiby, Marco ITA     0 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Wintour, Thomas   ITA 1671   0.5  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Barbero, Filippo   ITA 1474   0  
5 2019-03-17   Piccardo, Andrea   ITA 1172   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2860894 Piccardo, Andrea ITA     1172 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Picasso, Filippo   ITA 1386   1.0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Loi, Alessio   ITA 0   0.5  
5 2019-03-17   Tiby, Marco   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28523202 Cacciatore, Mattia ITA     0 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Vello, Bruno   ITA 1578   0  
2 2019-03-16   Brugnolo, Paolo   ITA 1270   1.0  
3 2019-03-16   Piccardo, Giacomo   ITA 1114   0.5  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
809195 Cavatorta, Fosco ITA     1811 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Danesi, Lorenzo   ITA 1097   1.0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Delucis, Gabriele   ITA 1357   0.5  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
832162 Croci, Luigi ITA     1525 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Lanzavecchia, Pierdante   ITA 2118   0  
2 2019-03-16   Dritsakos, Alessio   ITA 1998   0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Sensoli, Riccardo   ITA 1306   1.0  
5 2019-03-17   Vallarino, Giacomo   ITA 1779   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2804854 Demetri, Dario ITA     1680 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (+)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Mazzetta, Franco   ITA 1691   1.0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2816623 Delucis, Ludovico ITA     1332 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Baldi, Alberto   ITA 1720   0  
5 2019-03-17   Cala , Ivano   ITA 1432   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2839844 Schiappacasse, Giuliano ITA     1427 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Caridi, Nicolo   ITA 1781   0  
2 2019-03-16   Parodi, Matteo   ITA 1233   1.0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17   Bottaro, Mario   ITA 1634   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
853526 Dordoni, Riccardo ITA     1522 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Wintour, Thomas   ITA 1671   0  
4 2019-03-17   Tiby, Giovanni Maria   ITA 1358   0  
5 2019-03-17   Giordano, Edoardo   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2818758 Delucis, Mauro ITA     1446 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Oreshin, Georgy   ITA 1253   1.0  
4 2019-03-17   Wintour, Thomas   ITA 1671   0  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2878300 Camera, Giampaolo ITA     1555 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Pumilia, Antonello   ITA 1531   0  
3 2019-03-16   Tiby, Giovanni Maria   ITA 1358   0.5  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17   Cuneo, Filippo   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
822841 Sabba, Giorgio ITA     1777 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17   Delucis, Gabriele   ITA 1357   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2815880 Delucis, Gabriele ITA     1357 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Cavatorta, Fosco   ITA 1811   0.5  
5 2019-03-17   Sabba, Giorgio   ITA 1777   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
895385 Giordano, Edoardo ITA     0 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Bottaro, Mario   ITA 1634   0  
2 2019-03-16   D Augusta, Paolo   ITA 1553   0.5  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17   Dordoni, Riccardo   ITA 1522   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2890068 Cuneo, Filippo ITA     0 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17   Camera, Giampaolo   ITA 1555   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2842497 Danesi, Lorenzo ITA     1097 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Cavatorta, Fosco   ITA 1811   0  
3 2019-03-16   Mereta, Carlo   ITA 1509   0.5  
4 2019-03-17   Pumilia, Antonello   ITA 1531   0  
5 2019-03-17   Caselli, Cristiano   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
899941 Cala , Ivano ITA     1432 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   D Augusta, Paolo   ITA 1553   0.5  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Baldi, Alberto   ITA 1720   0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17   Delucis, Ludovico   ITA 1332   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2860908 Piccardo, Giacomo ITA     1114 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Cacciatore, Mattia   ITA 0   0.5  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
887960 Mereta, Carlo ITA     1509 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Barbero, Filippo   ITA 1474   0  
3 2019-03-16   Danesi, Lorenzo   ITA 1097   0.5  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28518268 Loi, Alessio ITA     0 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Piccardo, Andrea   ITA 1172   0.5  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
819336 Mazzetta, Franco ITA     1691 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Dritsakos, Alessio   ITA 1998   0  
2 2019-03-16   Lanzavecchia, Pierdante   ITA 2118   0  
3 2019-03-16   Demetri, Dario   ITA 1680   0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (+)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
814814 Cavatorta, Ivan ITA     1799 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Caridi, Nicolo   ITA 1781   0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2841377 Roveta, Andrea ITA     1500 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (+)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Vallarino, Giacomo   ITA 1779   0  
4 2019-03-17   Lanzavecchia, Pierdante   ITA 2118   0  
5 2019-03-17   Sensoli, Riccardo   ITA 1306   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2870490 Hu, Xuandi ITA     0 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Baldi, Alberto   ITA 1720   0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2832246 Ricco , Matteo ITA     1262 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Baldi, Alberto   ITA 1720   0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (+)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   D Augusta, Paolo   ITA 1553   0  
5 2019-03-17   Tiby, Giovanni Maria   ITA 1358   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
853305 Neuhold, Piero ITA     1515 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Barbero, Filippo   ITA 1474   0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
54192625 Oreshin, Georgy ITA     1253 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16   Delucis, Mauro   ITA 1446   0  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
834408 Brugnolo, Paolo ITA     1270 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15      Forfeit (-)  
2 2019-03-16   Cacciatore, Mattia   ITA 0   0  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17   Caselli, Cristiano   ITA 0   0  
5 2019-03-17   Vello, Bruno   ITA 1578   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
837121 Picasso, Filippo ITA     1386 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-03-15   Piccardo, Andrea   ITA 1172   0  
2 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-03-16      Forfeit (-)  
4 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  
5 2019-03-17      Forfeit (-)  


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