Original Tournament Report
Torneo Mayor Club de Ajedrez Concepcion [225999] (CHI, Concepcion) Start: 2019-08-06
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3410480 Caceres Leal, Jaime CHI     2120 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   1.0  
2 2019-08-13   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   1.0  
3 2019-08-20   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   1.0  
4 2019-08-27   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   0  
5 2019-09-03   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   1.0  
6 2019-09-10   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   1.0  
7 2019-09-17   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   1.0  
8 2019-09-24   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   0  
9 2019-10-01   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3405818 Farfan Ortiz, Victor CHI     2126 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   1.0  
2 2019-08-13   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   0.5  
3 2019-08-20   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   1.0  
4 2019-08-27   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   1.0  
5 2019-09-03   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   0  
6 2019-09-10   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   0.5  
7 2019-09-17   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0  
8 2019-09-24   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   1.0  
9 2019-10-01   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3439208 Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo CHI     2045 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   0  
2 2019-08-13   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   1.0  
3 2019-08-20   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   1.0  
4 2019-08-27   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   1.0  
5 2019-09-03   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0  
6 2019-09-10   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0.5  
7 2019-09-17   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   1.0  
8 2019-09-24   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0.5  
9 2019-10-01   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819 Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
6500110 Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo CHI     2119 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0  
2 2019-08-13   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   0  
3 2019-08-20   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   1.0  
4 2019-08-27   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   1.0  
5 2019-09-03   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   1.0  
6 2019-09-10   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   1.0  
7 2019-09-17   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   1.0  
8 2019-09-24   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   0.5  
9 2019-10-01   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3439216 Reyes Mendoza, Tomas CHI     1693 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   1.0  
2 2019-08-13   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   1.0  
3 2019-08-20   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   0  
4 2019-08-27   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   1.0  
5 2019-09-03   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   0.5  
6 2019-09-10   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   0.5  
7 2019-09-17   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   0  
8 2019-09-24   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   1.0  
9 2019-10-01   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3412067 Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar CHI     1957 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   1.0  
2 2019-08-13   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   0  
3 2019-08-20   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0  
4 2019-08-27   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0  
5 2019-09-03   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   0.5  
6 2019-09-10   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0  
7 2019-09-17   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819 Forfeit (+)  
8 2019-09-24   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681 Forfeit (+)  
9 2019-10-01   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3404773 Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo CHI     2047 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   0  
2 2019-08-13   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747 Forfeit (-)  
3 2019-08-20   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   0  
4 2019-08-27   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   1.0  
5 2019-09-03   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   1.0  
6 2019-09-10   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   0.5  
7 2019-09-17   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0  
8 2019-09-24   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   1.0  
9 2019-10-01   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681 Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3442187 Collao Olmos, Manuel CHI     1681 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   1.0  
2 2019-08-13   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0  
3 2019-08-20   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0  
4 2019-08-27   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   0  
5 2019-09-03   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0  
6 2019-09-10   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   1.0  
7 2019-09-17   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   0.5  
8 2019-09-24   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957 Forfeit (-)  
9 2019-10-01   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047 Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3411818 Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio CHI     1747 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   0  
2 2019-08-13   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047 Forfeit (+)  
3 2019-08-20   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0  
4 2019-08-27   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045   0  
5 2019-09-03   Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko   CHI 1819   1.0  
6 2019-09-10   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0  
7 2019-09-17   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   0.5  
8 2019-09-24   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0  
9 2019-10-01   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3406962 Pleticosic Ramirez, Yerko CHI     1819 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2019-08-06   Caceres Leal, Jaime   CHI 2120   0  
2 2019-08-13   Farfan Ortiz, Victor   CHI 2126   0.5  
3 2019-08-20   Reyes Mendoza, Tomas   CHI 1693   1.0  
4 2019-08-27   Alarcon Mondrus, Rodrigo   CHI 2119   0  
5 2019-09-03   Vidal Barra, Lucidoro Virgilio   CHI 1747   0  
6 2019-09-10   Collao Olmos, Manuel   CHI 1681   0  
7 2019-09-17   Rebolledo Arias, Julio Cesar   CHI 1957 Forfeit (-)  
8 2019-09-24   Erazo Valenzuela, Rodrigo   CHI 2047   0  
9 2019-10-01   Reyes Mendoza, Marcelo   CHI 2045 Forfeit (-)  


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