Original Tournament Report
Third Saturday 180 [254735] (SRB, Novi Sad) Start: 2020-11-18
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4165314 Bryakin, Mikhail RUS     2463 10.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
8 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14401487 Atalik, Suat SRB     2486 9.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0.5  
3 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
6 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0.5  
8 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4101715 Naumkin, Igor RUS     2268 8.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
4 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   0  
6 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0.5  
9 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
932647 Remecki, Sinisa SRB     2151 8.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
3 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0.5  
4 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0.5  
8 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0.5  
9 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   0.5  
11 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
925659 Topalov, Aleksandar SRB     2193 7.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0.5  
3 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0.5  
4 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0.5  
5 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
7 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
10 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24174041 Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra RUS     2340 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
5 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0  
7 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
9 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0  
10 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
960047 Budisavljevic, Luka SRB     2280 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   0  
2 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0.5  
5 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0  
6 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
9 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
11 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
964875 Milosevic, Milos SRB     2195 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
4 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   0  
5 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   0  
8 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0  
9 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
11 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14402785 Divljan, Borisa BIH     2015 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   0  
3 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
5 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
7 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   0  
8 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
9 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0  
10 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1735829 Hart, Alexander SWE     1877 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
2 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   0  
3 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0  
6 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
10 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0  
11 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
918121 Djurnic, Strahinja SRB     2092 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   0  
3 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
5 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   0  
7 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0  
8 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   0.5  
10 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   0.5  
11 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
980625 Ljepic, Andrej SRB     1767 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   1.0  
2 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   0  
4 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0  
6 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
7 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
10 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0.5  
11 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
949124 Obradovic, Milorad SRB     1820 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   0  
2 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0  
5 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   0  
6 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   0  
9 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0.5  
10 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
11 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
918342 Pantic, Miroslav SRB     1937 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Atalik, Suat   SRB 2486   0  
2 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   0  
3 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0  
7 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0  
8 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   0.5  
9 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Bryakin, Mikhail   RUS 2463   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
900494 Stojadinov, Svetlana SRB     2026 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   0.5  
2 2020-11-18   Ljepic, Andrej   SRB 1767   0  
3 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   1.0  
4 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   0  
5 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   0  
7 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   0  
9 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
10 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0.5  
11 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
998702 Djurovic, Bojan SRB     1527 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   0.5  
2 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0  
3 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   0  
4 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   0.5  
6 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   0  
8 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   0  
10 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
11 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
997277 Krunic, Djordje SRB     1683 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
2 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0  
4 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   0  
6 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
7 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   0  
8 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   0.5  
9 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Maltsevskaya, Aleksandra   RUS 2340   0  
11 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
990388 Krasko, Aleksa SRB     1302 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
2 2020-11-18   Naumkin, Igor   RUS 2268   0  
3 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   0  
4 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   0  
5 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
6 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
7 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   0  
8 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   0.5  
9 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   0  
10 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   0  
11 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
9200481 Secic, Filip SRB     1662 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   0  
2 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   0  
4 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
5 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   0  
6 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   0  
7 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
8 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   0.5  
9 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   0  
10 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   0  
11 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
9200538 Orlic, Vukasin SRB     1611 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Remecki, Sinisa   SRB 2151   0  
2 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   0  
3 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
4 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   0  
5 2020-11-18   Stojadinov, Svetlana   SRB 2026   0  
6 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   0.5  
7 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   0.5  
8 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0  
9 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Milosevic, Milos   SRB 2195   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
997285 Leskovac, Nikola SRB     1632 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Topalov, Aleksandar   SRB 2193   0  
2 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   1.0  
3 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   0  
4 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   0  
5 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
6 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   0  
7 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   1.0  
8 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   0  
9 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   0  
10 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
11 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
990396 Maglovski, Dario SRB     1421 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Divljan, Borisa   BIH 2015   0  
2 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2020-11-18   Budisavljevic, Luka   SRB 2280   0  
4 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   0  
5 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   0  
6 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   0.5  
7 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   0  
8 2020-11-18   Lipai, Vjaceslav   SRB 1544   1.0  
9 2020-11-18   Secic, Filip   SRB 1662   1.0  
10 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   0  
11 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
993956 Lipai, Vjaceslav SRB     1544 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2020-11-18   Djurnic, Strahinja   SRB 2092   0  
2 2020-11-18   Obradovic, Milorad   SRB 1820   0  
3 2020-11-18   Pantic, Miroslav   SRB 1937   0  
4 2020-11-18      Forfeit (-)  
5 2020-11-18   Djurovic, Bojan   SRB 1527   0.5  
6 2020-11-18   Hart, Alexander   SWE 1877   0  
7 2020-11-18   Orlic, Vukasin   SRB 1611   0.5  
8 2020-11-18   Maglovski, Dario   SRB 1421   0  
9 2020-11-18   Krunic, Djordje   SRB 1683   0  
10 2020-11-18   Leskovac, Nikola   SRB 1632   0  
11 2020-11-18   Krasko, Aleksa   SRB 1302   0  


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