Original Tournament Report
OP 4 BLITZ STEINITZ 2024 [358530] (ITA, ROMA) Start: 2024-06-22
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4601777 Maxion, Dirk GER     0 7.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0.5  
2 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
811254 Barletta, Antonio ITA     0 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   0.5  
4 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28517385 Moriggi, Alessandro ITA     0 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0.5  
2 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
804363 Monteleone, Antonio ITA     0 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0.5  
8 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
804860 D `amore, Emanuele ITA     0 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0.5  
4 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
23466260 Carbone, Paolo ITA     0 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0.5  
2 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
859621 Costabile, Vincenzo ITA     0 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Pero, Ugo   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
825468 Gensabella, Paolo ITA     0 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   0.5  
7 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28507100 Paduraru, Angelo Mario ITA     0 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   0.5  
2 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   0.5  
3 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   0.5  
8 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
23405376 Blundo, Gioele ITA     0 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0.5  
3 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28556712 Fileri, Francesco ITA     0 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
869384 Nicolini, Filippo ITA     0 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Maxion, Dirk   GER 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
826138 Chianura, Domenico ITA     0 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Monteleone, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   0.5  
7 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2892923 Rabiti, Roberto ITA     0 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
9 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
23441755 Carriero, Roberto ITA     0 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   1.0  
9 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
23431164 Bruno, Fabrizio ITA     0 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
5 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   0.5  
9 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
813370 Muru, Massimo ITA     0 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
4 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Gensabella, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Pavone, Ilario   ITA 0   1.0  
7 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   1.0  
8 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   0.5  
9 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28556798 Ventola, Antonio ITA     0 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Lombardi, Raffaele   ITA 0   1.0  
2 2024-06-22   Barletta, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Pero, Ugo   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   1.0  
6 2024-06-22   Fileri, Francesco   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Moriggi, Alessandro   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
9 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
840009 Lombardi, Raffaele ITA     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   1.0  
3 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   1.0  
4 2024-06-22   Nicolini, Filippo   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Blundo, Gioele   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
23434325 Pavone, Ilario ITA     0 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22   D `amore, Emanuele   ITA 0   0  
2 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
3 2024-06-22   Paduraru, Angelo Mario   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22   Bruno, Fabrizio   ITA 0   0  
5 2024-06-22   Carbone, Paolo   ITA 0   0  
6 2024-06-22   Muru, Massimo   ITA 0   0  
7 2024-06-22   Rabiti, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
8 2024-06-22   Chianura, Domenico   ITA 0   0  
9 2024-06-22   Carriero, Roberto   ITA 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
23445637 Pero, Ugo ITA     0 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
2 2024-06-22   Costabile, Vincenzo   ITA 0   0  
3 2024-06-22   Ventola, Antonio   ITA 0   0  
4 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
5 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
6 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
7 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
8 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
9 2024-06-22      Forfeit (-)  


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