Original Tournament Report
National youth chess championship 2014 - B U16 rapid [95350] (ROU, Caciulata) Start: 2014-04-14
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1227785 Geiger, Alex-Emanuel ROU     1958 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0.5  
4 2014-04-14   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0.5  
5 2014-04-14   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0  
9 2014-04-15   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1217445 Secheres, Adrian-Simion ROU     2168 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0.5  
4 2014-04-14   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0.5  
6 2014-04-15   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0.5  
8 2014-04-15   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0.5  
9 2014-04-15   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1219685 Scripcaru, George-Daniel ROU     1886 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0.5  
6 2014-04-15   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0  
7 2014-04-15   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   0  
9 2014-04-15   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1217992 Toma, Radu-Cristian ROU     2155 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0  
5 2014-04-14   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0  
8 2014-04-15   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0.5  
9 2014-04-15   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1221175 Nastase, Robert-Paul ROU     2019 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   0  
2 2014-04-14   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   0.5  
5 2014-04-14   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0.5  
8 2014-04-15   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1224700 Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin ROU     1925 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0  
4 2014-04-14   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0  
6 2014-04-15   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0.5  
8 2014-04-15   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1209590 Acsinte, Matei-Ionut ROU     1977 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   0.5  
4 2014-04-14   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0.5  
5 2014-04-14   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0  
6 2014-04-15   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0  
8 2014-04-15   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1219073 Baciu, Alexandru ROU     1715 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0  
2 2014-04-14   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0.5  
4 2014-04-14   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0  
7 2014-04-15   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0.5  
9 2014-04-15   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1217976 Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel ROU     1859 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0  
2 2014-04-14   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   0  
5 2014-04-14   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0  
7 2014-04-15   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1229052 Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian ROU     1979 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0  
3 2014-04-14   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0.5  
4 2014-04-14   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   0.5  
5 2014-04-14   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   0.5  
8 2014-04-15   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0.5  
9 2014-04-15   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1219294 Badescu, Cristian ROU     1846 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   0  
3 2014-04-14   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0  
6 2014-04-15   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0  
7 2014-04-15   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   0  
8 2014-04-15   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1223658 Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru ROU     1897 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0  
3 2014-04-14   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   0  
4 2014-04-14   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0.5  
5 2014-04-14   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   0.5  
8 2014-04-15   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1209582 Marin, Victor-Mihai ROU     1852 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Toma, Radu-Cristian   ROU 2155   0  
2 2014-04-14   Popa, Mihai-Ovidiu   ROU 1616 Forfeit (+)  
3 2014-04-14   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0  
4 2014-04-14   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0  
5 2014-04-14   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1213784 Salim, Riza ROU     1890 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0  
3 2014-04-14   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0  
4 2014-04-14   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   0  
7 2014-04-15   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   0  
9 2014-04-15   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1227556 Ursan, Petru-Sebastian ROU     1682 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Vrajitoru, Vlad-Laurentiu-Florin   ROU 1925   0  
2 2014-04-14   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0  
3 2014-04-14   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   0.5  
6 2014-04-15   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   0.5  
8 2014-04-15   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0  
9 2014-04-15   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1218506 Tiron, Lucian-Ilie ROU     1879 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0  
3 2014-04-14   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0.5  
5 2014-04-14   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0  
6 2014-04-15   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   0  
7 2014-04-15   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   0  
9 2014-04-15   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1204050 Miroi, Robert-Andrei ROU     1921 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Popa, Mihai-Ovidiu   ROU 1616 Forfeit (+)  
2 2014-04-14   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0.5  
4 2014-04-14   Secheres, Adrian-Simion   ROU 2168   0  
5 2014-04-14   Nastase, Robert-Paul   ROU 2019   0  
6 2014-04-15   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0  
8 2014-04-15   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1229125 Voicu, Gabriel ROU     1872 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   1.0  
2 2014-04-14   Geiger, Alex-Emanuel   ROU 1958   0  
3 2014-04-14   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   0  
5 2014-04-14   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   0.5  
6 2014-04-15   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   0  
8 2014-04-15   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   0  
9 2014-04-15   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1201425 Stancu, Robert-Alexandru ROU     1801 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Patrascu, Catalin-Lucian   ROU 1979   0  
2 2014-04-14   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   0  
4 2014-04-14   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   0  
6 2014-04-15   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   0  
8 2014-04-15   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1218808 Barbul, Ionel ROU     1730 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Acsinte, Matei-Ionut   ROU 1977   0  
2 2014-04-14   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   1.0  
3 2014-04-14   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   0  
4 2014-04-14   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   0  
6 2014-04-15   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   0  
7 2014-04-15   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   0  
9 2014-04-15   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1239724 Timofciuc, Sebastian ROU     1421 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   0  
2 2014-04-14   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   0  
3 2014-04-14   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   0  
5 2014-04-14   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   0  
6 2014-04-15   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   0  
8 2014-04-15   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   0.5  
9 2014-04-15   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1238000 Bigiu, Radu-Sorin ROU     0 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   0  
3 2014-04-14   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   0  
4 2014-04-14   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   0  
5 2014-04-14   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   0  
6 2014-04-15   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   0.5  
9 2014-04-15   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1240129 Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius ROU     0 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   0  
2 2014-04-14   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   0  
3 2014-04-14   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
4 2014-04-14   Salim, Riza   ROU 1890   0  
5 2014-04-14   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852   0  
6 2014-04-15   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
7 2014-04-15   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
8 2014-04-15   Badescu, Cristian   ROU 1846   0  
9 2014-04-15   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1238248 Ionita, Marius-Mihai ROU     0 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
2 2014-04-14   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921   0  
3 2014-04-14   Gheorghe, Darius-Daniel   ROU 1859   0  
4 2014-04-14   Ursan, Petru-Sebastian   ROU 1682   0  
5 2014-04-14   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   0  
6 2014-04-15   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   0  
7 2014-04-15   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   0  
8 2014-04-15   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   1.0  
9 2014-04-15   Tiron, Lucian-Ilie   ROU 1879   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1223623 Pena, Petru-Alexandru ROU     1461 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Radulescu, Vlad-Alexandru   ROU 1897   0  
2 2014-04-14   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   0  
3 2014-04-14   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   0  
4 2014-04-14   Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex   ROU 1324   1.0  
5 2014-04-14   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   0  
7 2014-04-15   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   0  
8 2014-04-15   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   0  
9 2014-04-15   Voicu, Gabriel   ROU 1872   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1233203 Tudoran-Surligeanu, Adrian-Alex ROU     1324 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Scripcaru, George-Daniel   ROU 1886   0  
2 2014-04-14   Baciu, Alexandru   ROU 1715   0  
3 2014-04-14   Timofciuc, Sebastian   ROU 1421   0  
4 2014-04-14   Pena, Petru-Alexandru   ROU 1461   0  
5 2014-04-14   Ionita, Marius-Mihai   ROU 0   1.0  
6 2014-04-15   Bigiu, Radu-Sorin   ROU 0   0.5  
7 2014-04-15   Neacsu, Ioan-Ovidius   ROU 0   0  
8 2014-04-15   Stancu, Robert-Alexandru   ROU 1801   0  
9 2014-04-15   Barbul, Ionel   ROU 1730   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1229060 Popa, Mihai-Ovidiu ROU     1616 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2014-04-14   Miroi, Robert-Andrei   ROU 1921 Forfeit (-)  
2 2014-04-14   Marin, Victor-Mihai   ROU 1852 Forfeit (-)  


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