Download FRL July 2024
Download full list of players (not rated included) STD, RPD, BLZ combined
TXT format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 32.37 MB) | XML format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 36.68 MB)

Download FIDE rating list in Old format (not rated included - only Standard rating)
TXT format (15 Mar 2022, Sz: 18.79 MB)

Download full list of players LEGACY format (not rated included with only over the board titles) STD, RPD, BLZ combined
TXT format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 32.25 MB) | XML format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 36.26 MB)

Download STANDARD rating list
TXT format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 10.34 MB) | XML format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 11.17 MB)
Download RAPID rating list
TXT format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 7.39 MB) | XML format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 7.97 MB)
Download BLITZ rating list
TXT format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 5.14 MB) | XML format (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 5.55 MB)


Jul 2024: Standard rating:  TXT (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 10.39 MB) | XML (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 11.11 MB)
Jul 2024: Rapid rating:  TXT (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 7.42 MB) | XML(26 Jul 2024, Sz: 7.93 MB)
Jul 2024: Blitz rating:  TXT (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 5.16 MB) | XML (26 Jul 2024, Sz: 5.16 MB)

Jul 2024: FIDE Online Arena (FOA) RBB rating:
These rating lists incorporate over the board chess results and online chess results in FIDE Online Arena.
Ratings from these lists cannot not be used for pairings or other purposes in over the board tournaments.

Jun 2024: Standard rating:  TXT (30 Jun 2024, Sz: 10.40 MB) | XML (30 Jun 2024, Sz: 11.12 MB)
Jun 2024: Rapid rating:  TXT (30 Jun 2024, Sz: 7.42 MB) | XML(30 Jun 2024, Sz: 7.92 MB)
Jun 2024: Blitz rating:  TXT (30 Jun 2024, Sz: 5.16 MB) | XML (30 Jun 2024, Sz: 5.16 MB)

Jun 2024: FIDE Online Arena (FOA) RBB rating:
These rating lists incorporate over the board chess results and online chess results in FIDE Online Arena.
Ratings from these lists cannot not be used for pairings or other purposes in over the board tournaments.

May 2024: Standard rating:  TXT (30 May 2024, Sz: 10.28 MB) | XML (30 May 2024, Sz: 11.01 MB)
May 2024: Rapid rating:  TXT (30 May 2024, Sz: 7.19 MB) | XML(30 May 2024, Sz: 7.68 MB)
May 2024: Blitz rating:  TXT (30 May 2024, Sz: 5.02 MB) | XML (30 May 2024, Sz: 5.02 MB)

May 2024: FIDE Online Arena (FOA) RBB rating:
These rating lists incorporate over the board chess results and online chess results in FIDE Online Arena.
Ratings from these lists cannot not be used for pairings or other purposes in over the board tournaments.

Apr 2024: Standard rating:  TXT (27 Apr 2024, Sz: 10.16 MB) | XML (27 Apr 2024, Sz: 10.90 MB)
Apr 2024: Rapid rating:  TXT (27 Apr 2024, Sz: 7.03 MB) | XML(27 Apr 2024, Sz: 7.51 MB)
Apr 2024: Blitz rating:  TXT (27 Apr 2024, Sz: 4.90 MB) | XML (27 Apr 2024, Sz: 4.90 MB)

Apr 2024: FIDE Online Arena (FOA) RBB rating:
These rating lists incorporate over the board chess results and online chess results in FIDE Online Arena.
Ratings from these lists cannot not be used for pairings or other purposes in over the board tournaments.

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