| President Ferguson, Ruggles
Email:rugglesferguson@gmail.com Tel.:+1 473 407 0917 Fax:+1 473 435 2525
| General Secretary Marrast-Victor, Kinna
Email:grenadachessfederation@gmail.com Tel.:+1 473 405 7073
| Vice-President Glean Jr, Carlyle
Email:gleaneng@gmail.com Mobile:+1 473 409 9564
| Assistant to Secretary General Smith, Raheem
| Treasurer Amade, Jarelle
Email:Jarelle.amade1@gmail.com Tel.:+1 473 440 2111 Ext. 6272 / +1 473 422 6607
| Assistant to Treasurer Smith, Terrence
Email:tsmith@tpsmithengineering.com Mobile:+1 473 409 9965
| Public Relations Officer Gellineau, Nichole
| Chairperson, Chess in Schools & Communities Amen, Kwabena
Email:conchshellsea@hotmail.com Mobile:+1 473 410 9212
| Chairperson, Tournaments Committee Greene, Jesse