Archive. Tournament report September 2015
Championship Mohyliv-Podilskyi blitz - Ukraine      start: 2015-07-31  more info
More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 
 14106469  Bodnar, Nikolay UKR 2051   9.50 10 18.2
 14176475  Yaremchuk, Yuriy UKR 1930 2000 9.00 11 0
 14116723  Baikovsky, Yuriy UKR 2073   9.00 10 5.2
 14126516  Polonskiy, Oleg UKR 1929   8.00 10 31.4
 14112779  Horobets, Andriy UKR 1932   7.00 10 -1.2
 14127091  Horobets, Valeriy UKR 1925   6.00 10 3.4
 14163810  Kuba, Kostiantyn UKR 1896   5.50 10 42.6
 14132389  Kolesnyk, Serhiy UKR 1841   3.00 10 28
 14121115  Nudelman, Olexander UKR 1900   2.00 10 -36.4
 14125650  Pryimak, Natalya UKR 1898   2.00 10 -30.2
 14102374  Demchuk, Yevgen UKR 1894   1.50 10 -33.6
 14126524  Zhenniy, Ivan UKR 1888   1.50 10 -27.4
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 

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