Archive. Tournament report September 2015
The Rapid Tournament to Independent of Ukraine -2015 - Ukraine      start: 2015-08-22  more info
More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 
 14117614  Kurilenko, Vladimir UKR 2151   5.00 6 41.2
 14132524  Granko, Roman UKR 2079   4.50 7 3.2
 14143313  Ivaschenko, Yriy UKR 2089   4.50 7 41.6
 14136082  Yaremenko, Roman UKR 2168   4.50 6 52.2
 14125188  Bazhan, Vitaliy UKR 2034   4.00 7 -4.8
 14130777  Malimonenko, Yury UKR 2023   4.00 7 -29.2
 14126397  Yurchishyn, Nikolay UKR 2129   3.50 6 -10.2
 14126370  Tsushko, Volodymyr UKR 2058   3.00 6 3.4
 14126540  Scherbov, Grigory UKR 2096   2.00 5 -14.2
 14124955  Golub, Sergey UKR 2039   2.00 5 -29.8
 14170558  Nemerzhitskiy, Mykhaylo UKR 1988 1863 2.00 6 0
 14129671  Kuvenev, Boris UKR 1962 1769 1.00 4 0
 14134330  Pashkov, Ewgeniy UKR 1934   1.00 4 5.8
 14165325  Karpenko, Volodimir UKR 1895 1655 1.00 5 0
 14176114  Medvedev, Sergey UKR 1946   1.00 4 -5
 14137704  Oliynyk, Mykola V. UKR 2047   1.00 4 -13.4
 14176963  Ryabuha, Ivan UKR 2009 1816 1.00 4 0
 14142414  Chernuhin, Volodimyr UKR 1967   1.00 5 -24.2
 14142430  Chemersky, Leonid UKR 2094   0.00 3 -16.6
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 

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