Archive. Tournament report October 2017
II Campeonato Nacional Juvenil de Ajedrez - Sub 7 Absoluto - Peru      start: 2017-08-30  more info
More information: The full list of Peru tournaments received for October 2017 
 3842541  Julcarima Morocho, Juan Mathias PER 1011 1031 1.00 1 0
 3836665  Baylon Romero, Jorge Roberto PER 1011 1031 1.00 1 0
 3848310  Lopez Chambi, Felix Andre PER 1011 1031 1.00 1 0
 3847071  Esteban Cuellar, Amanuel PER 1011 1011 0.50 1 0
 3843777  Villacorta, Asto Rodrigo Sebastia PER 1011 1011 0.50 1 0
 3844706  Valdez Maravi, Angel Yhadiel PER 1011 211 0.00 1 0
 3838099  Estrada Cantaro, Andre Fabio PER 1011 211 0.00 1 0
 3847012  Sevillano Velasquez, Klifor Nefi PER 1011 211 0.00 1 0
 3839931  Delgado Romero, Julio Cesar Stef PER 1011 211 0.00 1 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Peru tournaments received for October 2017 

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