Original Tournament Report
S: 35th International Chess Tournament Open Pula 2023 [316234] (CRO, Pula) Start: 2023-06-17
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13401033 Mammadov, Zaur AZE     2380 7.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Elias, David   SVK 2191   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2255570 Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando ESP     2538 7.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0  
7 2023-06-23   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14603551 Bratovic, Blaz SLO     2326 7.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2290847 Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo ESP     2404 7.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   James, Chris   SCO 1865   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2266237 Camacho Collados, Marcos ESP     2469 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0  
8 2023-06-24   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Elias, David   SVK 2191   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
26361116 Engin, Onur Cinar TUR     1978 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
22200070 Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel ESP     2363 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0  
9 2023-06-25   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
985317 Stankovic, Boris SRB     2177 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14632756 Skrbec, Leon SLO     2181 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   0  
7 2023-06-23   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14943450 Bochnicka, Vladimir SVK     2327 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14547120 Novosel, Lovro CRO     2400 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0  
7 2023-06-23   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0  
8 2023-06-24   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13403710 Mammadova, Narmin AZE     2221 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0  
6 2023-06-22   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14500299 Fercec, Nenad CRO     2406 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0  
6 2023-06-22   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14506157 Zufic, Miroslav CRO     2352 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0  
4 2023-06-20   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0  
8 2023-06-24   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14555948 Franc, Borna CRO     2197 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0  
4 2023-06-20   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
8 2023-06-24   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14500531 Medancic, Rikard CRO     2133 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0  
7 2023-06-23   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
813222 Amato, Andrea ITA     2286 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
4 2023-06-20   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   0  
6 2023-06-22   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14501546 Rubil, Marko CRO     2257 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0  
5 2023-06-21   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14402300 Hadzovic, Amir BIH     2304 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0  
4 2023-06-20   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0  
8 2023-06-24   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14601966 Guid, Matej SLO     2258 6.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Elgamal, Alaa   EGY 1791   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0  
4 2023-06-20   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   0  
5 2023-06-21   James, Chris   SCO 1865   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14960141 Elias, David SVK     2191 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0  
5 2023-06-21   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14176661 Lohvinov, Petro UKR     2302 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0  
5 2023-06-21   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
8624780 Xu, Yang CHN     2079 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0  
5 2023-06-21   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
9 2023-06-25   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14540100 Ghersinich, Enrico CRO     2143 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0  
6 2023-06-22   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0  
8 2023-06-24   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14553252 Vucenovic, Damian CRO     2121 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0  
8 2023-06-24   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
901776 Nikcevic, Nebojsa MNE     2369 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0  
5 2023-06-21   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0  
6 2023-06-22   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
940720 Popovic, Milan S SRB     2350 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14534215 Cvitan, Ena CRO     2294 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0  
5 2023-06-21   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0  
7 2023-06-23   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14633264 Olenik Campa, Rudi SLO     2356 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   0  
6 2023-06-22   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0  
9 2023-06-25   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1703447 Malesevic, Nedeljko SWE     2206 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0  
4 2023-06-20   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   0  
6 2023-06-22   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0  
9 2023-06-25   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2824790 Marchesich, Giovanni ITA     2217 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0  
4 2023-06-20   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1513427 Dahl, Trygve NOR     2207 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0  
4 2023-06-20   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0  
7 2023-06-23   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1604082 Zoernpfenning, Siegfried AUT     2025 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Stojkovic, Andrej   CRO 1613   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0  
3 2023-06-19   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0  
8 2023-06-24   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14625520 Mihelic, Vesna SLO     2059 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2863664 Candian, Lorenzo ITA     2063 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0  
3 2023-06-19   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0  
6 2023-06-22   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14958562 Bochnickova, Simona SVK     2112 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722 Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14561824 Grgantov, Marin CRO     2067 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0  
3 2023-06-19   James, Chris   SCO 1865   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0  
8 2023-06-24   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2300028 Petursson, Margeir ISL     2444 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0  
9 2023-06-25   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
44569955 Celik, Ali Alper TUR     1913 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0  
4 2023-06-20   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0  
8 2023-06-24   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14605465 Skuhala, Barbara SLO     2165 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0  
5 2023-06-21   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0  
6 2023-06-22   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1614142 Kopinits, Anna-Christina AUT     2197 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0  
4 2023-06-20   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0  
9 2023-06-25   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4608356 Boehm, Martin GER     2128 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0  
4 2023-06-20   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   0  
6 2023-06-22   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0  
9 2023-06-25   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14510359 Berke, Ana CRO     2136 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0  
4 2023-06-20   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0  
8 2023-06-24   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
25683900 Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore IND     2177 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0  
5 2023-06-21   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0  
7 2023-06-23   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2268647 Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel ESP     2104 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
3 2023-06-19   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0  
8 2023-06-24   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
410497 Waddington, Mike P ENG     1996 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0  
6 2023-06-22   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   0  
7 2023-06-23   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13908715 Sustov, Savva MDA     1954 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0  
4 2023-06-20   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0  
7 2023-06-23   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0  
8 2023-06-24   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14176335 Nesterenko, Kyrylo UKR     1897 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0  
6 2023-06-22   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0  
8 2023-06-24   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
915700 Bodiroga, Predrag SRB     2303 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
741116 Nagybiro, Laszlo HUN     2138 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0  
8 2023-06-24   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   0  
9 2023-06-25   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1600818 Stranz, Richard AUT     2138 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0  
6 2023-06-22   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0  
8 2023-06-24   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982 Forfeit (+)  
9 2023-06-25   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
51607948 Kuru, Atilla TUR     2056 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   0  
2 2023-06-18   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0  
7 2023-06-23   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191 Forfeit (+)  
9 2023-06-25   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13506374 Pirvulescu, Ekaterina ROU     2037 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0  
3 2023-06-19   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0  
9 2023-06-25   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14401274 Kekic, Armin BIH     2150 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
728306 Dudas, Eszter HUN     2132 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   0  
3 2023-06-19   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0  
7 2023-06-23   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
311211718 Niu, Qiming AUS     1737 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   0  
2 2023-06-18   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   0  
5 2023-06-21   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
73619663 Durana, Jonas SVK     1936 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387 Forfeit (+)  
2 2023-06-18   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   0  
3 2023-06-19   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0  
5 2023-06-21   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Wegerer, Fred   AUT 2139   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0  
8 2023-06-24   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14104229 Zinchenko, Vladimir UKR     2015 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0  
3 2023-06-19   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0  
5 2023-06-21   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   0  
7 2023-06-23   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4607244 Zierke, Oliver GER     2244 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   0  
4 2023-06-20   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   0  
6 2023-06-22   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14507137 Konic, Zlatko CRO     2043 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0  
3 2023-06-19   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0  
4 2023-06-20   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   0  
6 2023-06-22   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14502224 Kinez, Ivo CRO     1960 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0  
3 2023-06-19   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   0  
4 2023-06-20   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   0  
5 2023-06-21   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1217275 Andronescu, Madalin ROU     2006 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0  
5 2023-06-21   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   0  
8 2023-06-24   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14535262 Vojak, Daniel CRO     2339 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   0  
4 2023-06-20   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0  
8 2023-06-24   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1532359 Kreken, Eivind Grunt NOR     2113 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0  
3 2023-06-19   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0  
6 2023-06-22   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0  
8 2023-06-24   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14955210 Rakovsky, Jakub SVK     2053 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0  
3 2023-06-19   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0  
6 2023-06-22   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0  
9 2023-06-25   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14562006 Zekic, Patrik CRO     1798 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0  
2 2023-06-18   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0  
7 2023-06-23   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0  
8 2023-06-24   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
26320975 Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey TUR     1640 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0  
4 2023-06-20   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0  
8 2023-06-24   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   0  
9 2023-06-25   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933 Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
391980 Fizer, Marek CZE     2164 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0  
3 2023-06-19   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   0  
7 2023-06-23   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   0  
8 2023-06-24   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   0  
9 2023-06-25   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14501619 Medic, Mirjana CRO     2245 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   0  
8 2023-06-24   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   0  
9 2023-06-25   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1209159 Cziko, Eduard-Carol ROU     1941 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   0  
3 2023-06-19   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0  
6 2023-06-22   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0  
7 2023-06-23   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14900114 Petran, Peter SVK     2205 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   0  
9 2023-06-25   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14503565 Grbac, Boris CRO     2025 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   0  
8 2023-06-24   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14549786 Labrovic, Jakov CRO     1944 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486   0  
2 2023-06-18   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   0  
5 2023-06-21   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0  
7 2023-06-23   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
34606190 Langner, Robin GER     1810 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0  
2 2023-06-18   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   0  
7 2023-06-23   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14543958 Pahljina, Marko CRO     1855 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mammadov, Zaur   AZE 2380   0  
2 2023-06-18   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   0  
5 2023-06-21   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4609778 Roth, Josef GER     1993 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0  
3 2023-06-19   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0  
6 2023-06-22   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   0  
7 2023-06-23   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   James, Chris   SCO 1865   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14575655 Cubric, Andrija CRO     1986 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0  
3 2023-06-19   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   0  
5 2023-06-21   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
359360 Plasil, Petr CZE     1996 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Lohvinov, Petro   UKR 2302   0  
3 2023-06-19   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0  
7 2023-06-23   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824 Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   James, Chris   SCO 1865   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14564190 Djuric, Leon CRO     1865 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Fercec, Nenad   CRO 2406   0  
2 2023-06-18   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   0  
4 2023-06-20   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   0  
8 2023-06-24   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
436135 Varney, Zoe ENG     2025 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   0  
3 2023-06-19   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0  
8 2023-06-24   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14534231 Novak, Ivo CRO     1912 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0  
3 2023-06-19   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   0  
7 2023-06-23   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14503972 Vasic, Bosko CRO     2031 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0  
3 2023-06-19   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   0  
4 2023-06-20   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   0  
9 2023-06-25   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14506858 Karakatic, Tomislav CRO     2067 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0  
4 2023-06-20   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   0  
5 2023-06-21   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   James, Chris   SCO 1865   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14960958 Striskova, Lucia SVK     1960 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   0  
5 2023-06-21   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   0  
8 2023-06-24   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14599317 Kristic, Patrik CRO     1621 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   0  
2 2023-06-18   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   0  
4 2023-06-20   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   0  
6 2023-06-22   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   0  
8 2023-06-24   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908 Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14507854 Crnkovic, Zdravko CRO     1937 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0  
3 2023-06-19   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   0  
5 2023-06-21   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   0  
6 2023-06-22   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   0  
7 2023-06-23   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14526875 Mrkaljevic, Jakub CRO     1948 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   0  
5 2023-06-21   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1606492 Galavics, Hermann AUT     1923 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   0  
5 2023-06-21   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   0  
6 2023-06-22   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14959690 Sekova, Olivia SVK     1798 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cvitan, Ena   CRO 2294   0  
2 2023-06-18   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   0  
4 2023-06-20   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   0  
8 2023-06-24   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14511070 Ugulin, Silvano CRO     1951 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   0  
5 2023-06-21   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1602888 Perhinig, Robert AUT     2191 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0  
5 2023-06-21   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056 Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
73620017 Rak, Martin SVK     1991 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   0  
3 2023-06-19   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0  
5 2023-06-21   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0  
9 2023-06-25   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14636549 Javornik, Nik SLO     2071 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Klikic, Drazen   GER 1499   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Amato, Andrea   ITA 2286   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0  
8 2023-06-24   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0  
9 2023-06-25   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1623486 Landl, Margot AUT     1989 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0  
3 2023-06-19   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   0  
6 2023-06-22   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0  
9 2023-06-25   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2266253 Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier ESP     2070 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0  
3 2023-06-19   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0  
8 2023-06-24   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14916932 Turkova, Karolina SVK     1876 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Camacho Collados, Marcos   ESP 2469   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   0  
7 2023-06-23   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0  
9 2023-06-25   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14944596 Sosovickova, Jana SVK     2022 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0  
3 2023-06-19   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   0  
5 2023-06-21   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   0  
9 2023-06-25   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14642255 Beber, Anja SLO     1699 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0  
3 2023-06-19   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   0  
7 2023-06-23   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0  
9 2023-06-25   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4650972 Perlitz, Sven GER     2098 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0  
9 2023-06-25   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14573016 Mihaljevic, Eva CRO     1986 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0  
4 2023-06-20   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0  
7 2023-06-23   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14422123 Kekic, Ahmed BIH     1653 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0  
3 2023-06-19   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14508230 Grgurevic, Boris CRO     2121 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   0  
4 2023-06-20   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0  
7 2023-06-23   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0  
9 2023-06-25   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14973448 Tomcaniova, Lucia SVK     1693 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0  
3 2023-06-19   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   0  
4 2023-06-20   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13319035 Avetisyan, Ani ARM     1509 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   0  
2 2023-06-18   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   0  
4 2023-06-20   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   0  
8 2023-06-24   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0  
9 2023-06-25   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845 Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14967596 Benci, Jozef SVK     1656 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0  
3 2023-06-19   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14540266 Turicar, Goran CRO     1755 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0  
2 2023-06-18   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   0  
5 2023-06-21   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14512629 Siljan, Milorad CRO     1912 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0  
3 2023-06-19   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0  
7 2023-06-23   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0  
8 2023-06-24   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1242040 Matasaru, Stephanie ROU     1850 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   0  
2 2023-06-18   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0  
5 2023-06-21   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   0  
7 2023-06-23   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
73009768 Guid, Taja SLO     1595 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   0  
2 2023-06-18   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   0  
9 2023-06-25   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
79303390 Gulan, Dane CRO     1575 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   0  
2 2023-06-18   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Elgamal, Alaa   EGY 1791   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   0  
5 2023-06-21   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   0  
6 2023-06-22   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
26366096 Simsek, Ayaz TUR     1458 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   0  
2 2023-06-18   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0  
7 2023-06-23   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13909720 Bitca, Emilia MDA     1511 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Wegerer, Fred   AUT 2139   0  
6 2023-06-22   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
610631 Ladisic, Alex-Sacha FRA     1918 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   0  
3 2023-06-19   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   0  
6 2023-06-22   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   0  
8 2023-06-24   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24670871 Kulenovic, Adnan GER     1938 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   0  
4 2023-06-20   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0  
5 2023-06-21   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   0  
9 2023-06-25   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
28563611 Delfino, Dario ITA     1582 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   0  
2 2023-06-18   Elgamal, Alaa   EGY 1791   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   1.0  
5 2023-06-21      Forfeit (-)  
6 2023-06-22   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   0  
7 2023-06-23   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   0  
8 2023-06-24   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14613018 Racnik, Tone SLO     1867 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Petursson, Margeir   ISL 2444   0  
2 2023-06-18   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   0  
7 2023-06-23   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1604058 Karall, Lorenz AUT     1790 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Medic, Mirjana   CRO 2245   0  
2 2023-06-18   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   0  
4 2023-06-20   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   0  
7 2023-06-23   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   0  
8 2023-06-24   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
865052 Bandieramonte, Enrico ITA     1484 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   0  
2 2023-06-18   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0  
4 2023-06-20   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   0  
5 2023-06-21   Elgamal, Alaa   EGY 1791   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14627981 Vah, Denis SLO     1908 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0  
6 2023-06-22   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0  
8 2023-06-24   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621 Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1502719 Edvardsen, Ragnar NOR     1886 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Mihelic, Vesna   SLO 2059   0  
7 2023-06-23   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   0  
9 2023-06-25   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2404249 James, Chris SCO     1865 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Ladron De Guevara Pinto, Paolo   ESP 2404   0  
2 2023-06-18   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   0  
4 2023-06-20   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0  
6 2023-06-22   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14539420 Vukosavic, Darko CRO     1971 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0  
4 2023-06-20   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0  
7 2023-06-23   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1612085 Natter, Markus AUT     1982 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   0  
6 2023-06-22   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138 Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14968363 Ropovik, Samuel SVK     1740 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   0  
2 2023-06-18   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   0  
4 2023-06-20   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   0  
7 2023-06-23   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   0  
8 2023-06-24   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939 Forfeit (+)  
9 2023-06-25   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
73620874 Koska, Jiri SVK     1938 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Wegerer, Fred   AUT 2139   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0  
6 2023-06-22   Skuhala, Barbara   SLO 2165   0  
7 2023-06-23   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   0  
8 2023-06-24   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   0  
9 2023-06-25   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719 Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14610213 Kejzar, Petra SLO     2048 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   0  
3 2023-06-19   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   0  
6 2023-06-22   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   0  
8 2023-06-24   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1505904 Dahl, Torbjorn NOR     1859 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Novosel, Lovro   CRO 2400   0  
2 2023-06-18   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   0  
3 2023-06-19   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   0  
7 2023-06-23   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   0  
8 2023-06-24   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   0  
9 2023-06-25   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14549425 Loncaric, Domagoj CRO     1735 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Ghersinich, Enrico   CRO 2143   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1606549 Kretschmer, Leo AUT     1849 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Fernandez Garcia, Jose Miguel   ESP 2363   0  
2 2023-06-18   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   0  
8 2023-06-24   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4632540 Becking, Franz Josef GER     1824 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bratovic, Blaz   SLO 2326   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   0  
3 2023-06-19   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996 Forfeit (+)  
8 2023-06-24   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   0  
9 2023-06-25   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14602431 Kirbis, Milan SLO     1967 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   0  
3 2023-06-19   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0  
5 2023-06-21   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   0  
7 2023-06-23   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   0  
9 2023-06-25   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4648315 Warnk, Torsten GER     1746 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Elias, David   SVK 2191   0  
2 2023-06-18   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   0  
4 2023-06-20   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   0  
6 2023-06-22   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   0  
7 2023-06-23   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0  
8 2023-06-24   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
6304117 Aydin, Hakan TUR     1744 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Skrbec, Leon   SLO 2181   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0  
3 2023-06-19   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   0  
5 2023-06-21   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973 Forfeit (-)  
7 2023-06-23   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14974428 Tomcani, Jan SVK     1625 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0  
2 2023-06-18   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   0  
3 2023-06-19   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Andronescu, Madalin   ROU 2006   0  
7 2023-06-23   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14517566 Mezak, Damir CRO     1710 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   0  
2 2023-06-18   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   0  
3 2023-06-19   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   1.0  
4 2023-06-20      Forfeit (-)  
5 2023-06-21   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   0  
8 2023-06-24   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14539918 Jakrlin, Mihael CRO     2206 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Nikcevic, Nebojsa   MNE 2369   0  
4 2023-06-20   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   0  
5 2023-06-21   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   0  
6 2023-06-22   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   0  
8 2023-06-24   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2835075 Miosi, Francesco ITA     1756 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0  
2 2023-06-18   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0  
6 2023-06-22   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   0  
7 2023-06-23   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   0  
8 2023-06-24   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1215752 Jega, Gabriel ROU     1815 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bodiroga, Predrag   SRB 2303   0  
2 2023-06-18   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Pirvulescu, Ekaterina   ROU 2037   0  
4 2023-06-20   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Kopinits, Anna-Christina   AUT 2197   0  
6 2023-06-22   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   0  
7 2023-06-23   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4659317 Goeke, Bernd GER     1973 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0  
3 2023-06-19   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744 Forfeit (+)  
7 2023-06-23   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0  
9 2023-06-25   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
510785 Laakso, Joel FIN     1703 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   0  
2 2023-06-18   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   0  
3 2023-06-19   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   0  
5 2023-06-21   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14538806 Purkic, Ruza CRO     1655 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0  
2 2023-06-18   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   0  
6 2023-06-22   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   0  
7 2023-06-23   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4623371 Heyl, Thomas GER     1933 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0  
4 2023-06-20   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Kurtyilmaz, Kuzey   TUR 1640 Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24636460 Ochmann, Reimund GER     1893 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0  
3 2023-06-19   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   0  
5 2023-06-21   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   0  
7 2023-06-23   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0  
9 2023-06-25   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
13908596 Petricenco, Ana MDA     1843 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Popovic, Milan S   SRB 2350   0  
2 2023-06-18   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   0  
4 2023-06-20   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   0  
5 2023-06-21   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   0  
8 2023-06-24   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   1.0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
34160264 Karpov, Vladyslav UKR     1356 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0  
3 2023-06-19   Beber, Anja   SLO 1699   0  
4 2023-06-20   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   0  
8 2023-06-24   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14509610 Fattorich, Igor CRO     1882 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cuenca Jimenez, Jose Fernando   ESP 2538   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Fizer, Marek   CZE 2164   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   0  
5 2023-06-21   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   0  
7 2023-06-23   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   0  
8 2023-06-24   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24600024 Osswald, Michael GER     1741 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   0  
4 2023-06-20   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   0  
5 2023-06-21   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14948540 Sosovickova, Martina SVK     1767 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   0  
2 2023-06-18   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   0  
7 2023-06-23   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   0  
9 2023-06-25   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
22256873 Dahlgren, James Allen ESP     1820 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18   Stojkovic, Andrej   CRO 1613   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   0  
4 2023-06-20   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   0  
6 2023-06-22   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   0  
8 2023-06-24   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0  
9 2023-06-25   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1613391 Hrdina, Karl AUT     1839 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Vojak, Daniel   CRO 2339   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   0  
3 2023-06-19   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   0  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   0  
9 2023-06-25   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14608499 Gricnik, Tine SLO     1733 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Wegerer, Fred   AUT 2139   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   0  
7 2023-06-23   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   0  
9 2023-06-25   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
879487 Galante, Benedetto ITA     1387 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936 Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   0  
4 2023-06-20   Zhabinskii, Fedor   FID 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Elgamal, Alaa   EGY 1791   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   0  
8 2023-06-24   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14509326 Cordic, Rasim CRO     1956 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Klikic, Drazen   GER 1499   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   0  
5 2023-06-21   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
785296 Babos, Daniel HUN     1449 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   0  
2 2023-06-18   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   0  
3 2023-06-19   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14501759 Svaljek, Radmila CRO     1939 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Simsek, Ayaz   TUR 1458   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Petran, Peter   SVK 2205   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Wegerer, Fred   AUT 2139   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0  
5 2023-06-21   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Malesevic, Nedeljko   SWE 2206   0  
7 2023-06-23   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1216384 Pirvulescu, Adrian ROU     1847 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Olenik Campa, Rudi   SLO 2356   0  
2 2023-06-18   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   0  
6 2023-06-22   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   0  
9 2023-06-25   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
140805 Duernhoefer, Andrea ARG     1769 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Marchesich, Giovanni   ITA 2217   0  
2 2023-06-18   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   0  
3 2023-06-19   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Roth, Josef   GER 1993   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   0  
8 2023-06-24   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1613030 Kainz, Josef AUT     1910 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Wegerer, Fred   AUT 2139   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0  
4 2023-06-20   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0  
6 2023-06-22   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509   0  
7 2023-06-23   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14562510 Karakatic, Dominik CRO     1363 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   0  
3 2023-06-19   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   0  
5 2023-06-21   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   0  
6 2023-06-22   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Miosi, Francesco   ITA 1756   0  
9 2023-06-25   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14515431 Klement, Dubravko CRO     1817 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hadzovic, Amir   BIH 2304   0  
2 2023-06-18   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   0  
5 2023-06-21   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0  
7 2023-06-23   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   0  
9 2023-06-25   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24611786 Storkebaum, Ulrike GER     1736 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0  
2 2023-06-18   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Landl, Margot   AUT 1989   0  
4 2023-06-20   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   0  
6 2023-06-22   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   0  
8 2023-06-24   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   0  
9 2023-06-25   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4674731 Schnepel, Thomas GER     1759 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   0  
2 2023-06-18   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   0  
4 2023-06-20   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   0  
6 2023-06-22   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   0  
7 2023-06-23   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   0  
9 2023-06-25   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
4692519 Mrvicin, Marin GER     1773 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mammadova, Narmin   AZE 2221   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   0  
7 2023-06-23   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14539055 Golub, Nikolina CRO     1845 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Zufic, Miroslav   CRO 2352   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   0  
3 2023-06-19   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   0  
8 2023-06-24   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Avetisyan, Ani   ARM 1509 Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
79300189 Mandalinic, David CRO     1722 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Berke, Ana   CRO 2136   0  
2 2023-06-18   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112 Forfeit (+)  
3 2023-06-19   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   0  
4 2023-06-20   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   1.0  
5 2023-06-21      Forfeit (-)  
6 2023-06-22   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   0  
7 2023-06-23   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14532930 Matanovic, Pavo CRO     1832 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Bochnicka, Vladimir   SVK 2327   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   0  
4 2023-06-20   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0  
6 2023-06-22   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   0  
7 2023-06-23   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14422115 Kekic, Naid BIH     1699 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kreken, Eivind Grunt   NOR 2113   0  
2 2023-06-18   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   0  
3 2023-06-19   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   0  
5 2023-06-21   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   0  
8 2023-06-24   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
16264045 Hieber, Max GER     1733 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Stranz, Richard   AUT 2138   0  
2 2023-06-18   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Kirbis, Milan   SLO 1967   0  
4 2023-06-20   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   0  
7 2023-06-23   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   0  
9 2023-06-25   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14973502 Mendelova, Adela SVK     1301 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   0  
2 2023-06-18   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   0  
4 2023-06-20   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   0  
5 2023-06-21   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14597918 Plank, Matej CRO     1288 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Celik, Ali Alper   TUR 1913   0  
2 2023-06-18   Niu, Qiming   AUS 1737   0  
3 2023-06-19   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   0  
6 2023-06-22   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   0  
7 2023-06-23   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Mandalinic, David   CRO 1722   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14640422 Timagina, Sofia SLO     1560 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   0  
2 2023-06-18   Zekic, Patrik   CRO 1798   0  
3 2023-06-19   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   0  
7 2023-06-23   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   0  
8 2023-06-24   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14635470 Macek, Inti SLO     1387 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Heyl, Thomas   GER 1933   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   0  
4 2023-06-20   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   0  
5 2023-06-21   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   0  
6 2023-06-22   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   0  
7 2023-06-23   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1612484 Unger, Eva AUT     1633 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kejzar, Petra   SLO 2048   0  
2 2023-06-18   Matasaru, Stephanie   ROU 1850   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   0  
5 2023-06-21   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   0  
6 2023-06-22   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14964619 Bilik, Matej SVK     1533 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Engin, Onur Cinar   TUR 1978   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   0  
3 2023-06-19   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   0  
4 2023-06-20   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   0  
5 2023-06-21   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14509318 Terlevic, Mladen CRO     1781 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Zierke, Oliver   GER 2244   0  
2 2023-06-18   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   0  
3 2023-06-19   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   0  
5 2023-06-21   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Purkic, Ruza   CRO 1655   0  
8 2023-06-24   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14517906 Kerman, Josip CRO     1549 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Mihaljevic, Eva   CRO 1986   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   0  
4 2023-06-20   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   0  
7 2023-06-23   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14596466 Barbir, Petar CRO     1620 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   0  
2 2023-06-18   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   0  
3 2023-06-19   Zhabinskii, Fedor   FID 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   0  
5 2023-06-21   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   0  
6 2023-06-22   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   0  
7 2023-06-23   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14628910 Reseta, Martin SLO     0 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   0  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Tomcani, Jan   SVK 1625   0  
4 2023-06-20   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   0  
6 2023-06-22   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   0  
9 2023-06-25   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14614065 Pretnar, Bostjan SLO     1743 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Stankovic, Boris   SRB 2177   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Vucenovic, Damian   CRO 2121   0  
3 2023-06-19   Klikic, Drazen   GER 1499   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   0  
5 2023-06-21   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   0  
6 2023-06-22   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Galavics, Hermann   AUT 1923   0  
8 2023-06-24   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   0  
9 2023-06-25   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
438030 Hafstad, Leif ENG     1939 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Shreyas, Seshadri Nallore   IND 2177   0  
3 2023-06-19   Kristic, Patrik   CRO 1621   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Kekic, Armin   BIH 2150   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   0  
6 2023-06-22   Benci, Jozef   SVK 1656   0  
7 2023-06-23   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740 Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14503956 Mrdjen, David CRO     1791 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Rubil, Marko   CRO 2257   0  
2 2023-06-18   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Grbac, Boris   CRO 2025   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Candian, Lorenzo   ITA 2063   0  
5 2023-06-21   Guid, Taja   SLO 1595   0  
6 2023-06-22   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   0  
8 2023-06-24   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
12966460 Klasinc, Kristjan SLO     1725 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Nagybiro, Laszlo   HUN 2138   0  
2 2023-06-18   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   0  
5 2023-06-21   Turkova, Karolina   SVK 1876   0  
6 2023-06-22   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   0  
8 2023-06-24   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14976293 Nosal, Tobias SVK     1664 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Grgantov, Marin   CRO 2067   0  
2 2023-06-18   Djuric, Leon   CRO 1865   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mantic, Jakub   SVK 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   0  
6 2023-06-22   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   0  
7 2023-06-23   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   0  
8 2023-06-24   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1605950 Kutschker, Alexander AUT     1628 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Konic, Zlatko   CRO 2043   0  
2 2023-06-18   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Cziko, Eduard-Carol   ROU 1941   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   0  
5 2023-06-21   Kinez, Ivo   CRO 1960   0  
6 2023-06-22   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   0  
8 2023-06-24   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   0  
9 2023-06-25   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1601113 Wegerer, Fred AUT     2139 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Svaljek, Radmila   CRO 1939   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   0  
5 2023-06-21   Bitca, Emilia   MDA 1511   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   0  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14574179 Orlovic, Branislav CRO     1688 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Xu, Yang   CHN 2079   0  
2 2023-06-18   James, Chris   SCO 1865   0  
3 2023-06-19   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   0  
7 2023-06-23   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   0  
9 2023-06-25   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24647640 Hellmann, Thomas GER     1719 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Medancic, Rikard   CRO 2133   0  
2 2023-06-18   Waddington, Mike P   ENG 1996   0  
3 2023-06-19   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Klikic, Drazen   GER 1499   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   0  
6 2023-06-22   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938 Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1609416 Hadl, Johann AUT     1681 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   0  
4 2023-06-20   Pirvulescu, Adrian   ROU 1847   0  
5 2023-06-21   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   James, Chris   SCO 1865   0  
7 2023-06-23   Fattorich, Igor   CRO 1882   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   0  
9 2023-06-25   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
651089203 Mantey, Jean-Pierre FRA     1602 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   0  
2 2023-06-18   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   0  
3 2023-06-19   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Elgamal, Alaa   EGY 1791   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Golub, Nikolina   CRO 1845   0  
6 2023-06-22   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   0  
7 2023-06-23   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   0  
9 2023-06-25   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
809489 Morselli, Stefano ITA     1716 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Dudas, Eszter   HUN 2132   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kuru, Atilla   TUR 2056   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   0  
5 2023-06-21   Klikic, Drazen   GER 1499   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Cubric, Andrija   CRO 1986   0  
7 2023-06-23   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   0  
8 2023-06-24   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1618210 Weber, Harald AUT     1752 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Franc, Borna   CRO 2197   0  
2 2023-06-18   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   0  
4 2023-06-20   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Karpov, Vladyslav   UKR 1356   0  
6 2023-06-22   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Mantic, Andrej   SVK 1486 Forfeit (+)  
8 2023-06-24   Jakrlin, Mihael   CRO 2206   0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14655985 Mihic, Adam SLO     1129 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kainz, Josef   AUT 1910   0  
2 2023-06-18   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Edvardsen, Ragnar   NOR 1886   0  
5 2023-06-21   Vasic, Bosko   CRO 2031   0  
6 2023-06-22   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   0  
8 2023-06-24   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14513323 Hadzipasic, Suad CRO     1592 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Plasil, Petr   CZE 1996   0  
2 2023-06-18   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   0  
3 2023-06-19   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   0  
5 2023-06-21   Ugulin, Silvano   CRO 1951   0  
6 2023-06-22   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   0  
7 2023-06-23   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24614017 Uhlarz, Joerg GER     1532 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Goeke, Bernd   GER 1973   0  
2 2023-06-18   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Durana, Jonas   SVK 1936   0  
4 2023-06-20   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   0  
5 2023-06-21   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   0  
7 2023-06-23   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   0  
8 2023-06-24   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   0  
9 2023-06-25   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14638223 Javornik, Lina SLO     1487 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Sustov, Savva   MDA 1954   0  
2 2023-06-18   Turicar, Goran   CRO 1755   0  
3 2023-06-19   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   0  
4 2023-06-20   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   0  
6 2023-06-22   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   0  
9 2023-06-25   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14514214 Nikolic, Miroslav CRO     1582 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Rak, Martin   SVK 1991   0  
2 2023-06-18   Langner, Robin   GER 1810   0  
3 2023-06-19   Dahl, Torbjorn   NOR 1859   0  
4 2023-06-20   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Petricenco, Ana   MDA 1843   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   0  
7 2023-06-23   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   0  
9 2023-06-25   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14538512 Cesar, Zlatko CRO     1534 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Natter, Markus   AUT 1982   0  
2 2023-06-18   Mrdjen, David   CRO 1791   0  
3 2023-06-19   Duernhoefer, Andrea   ARG 1769   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mantic, Jakub   SVK 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Terlevic, Mladen   CRO 1781   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   0  
8 2023-06-24   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Gricnik, Tine   SLO 1733   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14644169 Dzudovic, Ivica SLO     1669 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cuenca Jimenez, Francisco Javier   ESP 2070   0  
2 2023-06-18   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   0  
3 2023-06-19   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   James, Chris   SCO 1865   0  
5 2023-06-21   Bochnickova, Simona   SVK 2112   0  
6 2023-06-22   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   0  
7 2023-06-23   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   0  
8 2023-06-24   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14530902 Topic, Joso CRO     1613 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Sosovickova, Jana   SVK 2022   0  
2 2023-06-18   Jega, Gabriel   ROU 1815   0  
3 2023-06-19   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Klement, Dubravko   CRO 1817   0  
6 2023-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
7 2023-06-23   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   0.5  
8 2023-06-24   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Warnk, Torsten   GER 1746   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14573725 Vukoja, Luna CRO     1268 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18   Ropovik, Samuel   SVK 1740   0  
3 2023-06-19   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Tomcaniova, Lucia   SVK 1693   0  
5 2023-06-21   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   0  
7 2023-06-23   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   0  
9 2023-06-25   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14607948 Kocevar, Tugomir SLO     1768 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Dahl, Trygve   NOR 2207   0  
2 2023-06-18   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0  
4 2023-06-20   Cordic, Benjamin   CRO 0   1.0  
5 2023-06-21   Zinchenko, Vladimir   UKR 2015   0  
6 2023-06-22   Karakatic, Tomislav   CRO 2067   0  
7 2023-06-23   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   0  
8 2023-06-24   Kerman, Josip   CRO 1549   0  
9 2023-06-25   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14595389 Mucic, Lovro CRO     1614 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Varney, Zoe   ENG 2025   0  
2 2023-06-18   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   1.0  
3 2023-06-19   Koska, Jiri   SVK 1938   0  
4 2023-06-20   Sosovickova, Martina   SVK 1767   0.5  
5 2023-06-21      Forfeit (-)  
6 2023-06-22   Pahljina, Marko   CRO 1855   0  
7 2023-06-23   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   0  
9 2023-06-25   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1615122 Rathmanner, Anton AUT     1699 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cabanas Jimenez, Manuel   ESP 2104   0  
2 2023-06-18   Racnik, Tone   SLO 1867   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   0  
4 2023-06-20   Babos, Daniel   HUN 1449   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   0  
6 2023-06-22   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Macek, Inti   SLO 1387   0  
8 2023-06-24   Hadzic, Elvis   CRO 0   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
2053195 Brown, Clark USA     1634 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Rakovsky, Jakub   SVK 2053   0  
2 2023-06-18   Kretschmer, Leo   AUT 1849   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   1.0  
4 2023-06-20   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   0  
5 2023-06-21   Becking, Franz Josef   GER 1824   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mihic, Adam   SLO 1129   0  
7 2023-06-23   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   0  
8 2023-06-24   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   0  
9 2023-06-25   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14574411 Bozovic, Tatjana CRO     1398 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Crnkovic, Zdravko   CRO 1937   0  
2 2023-06-18   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752   0  
3 2023-06-19      Forfeit (-)  
4 2023-06-20   Reseta, Martin   SLO 0   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mantic, Jakub   SVK 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   0.5  
7 2023-06-23   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   0  
9 2023-06-25   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
1623575 Steiner, Magdalena AUT     1748 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Perhinig, Robert   AUT 2191   0  
2 2023-06-18   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   0  
3 2023-06-19   Plank, Matej   CRO 1288   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Vukoja, Luna   CRO 1268   0  
6 2023-06-22   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   0  
8 2023-06-24   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Karakatic, Dominik   CRO 1363   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14967642 Mantic, Andrej SVK     1486 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Labrovic, Jakov   CRO 1944   1.0  
2 2023-06-18   Grgurevic, Boris   CRO 2121   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Perlitz, Sven   GER 2098   0.5  
4 2023-06-20   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0  
5 2023-06-21   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   0  
7 2023-06-23   Weber, Harald   AUT 1752 Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
469114 Elgamal, Alaa EGY     1791 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Guid, Matej   SLO 2258   0  
2 2023-06-18   Delfino, Dario   ITA 1582   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Gulan, Dane   CRO 1575   0  
4 2023-06-20   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Bandieramonte, Enrico   ITA 1484   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   0  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
857017 Ruggeri, Igor ITA     1452 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Hafstad, Leif   ENG 1939   0  
2 2023-06-18   Saric, Husnija   CRO 1744   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Aydin, Hakan   TUR 1744   0  
4 2023-06-20   Karall, Lorenz   AUT 1790   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mrkaljevic, Jakub   CRO 1948   0  
6 2023-06-22   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   0  
7 2023-06-23   Mantic, Jakub   SVK 0 Forfeit (+)  
8 2023-06-24   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   0.5  
9 2023-06-25   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14596130 Zajec, Jan CRO     1399 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Kulenovic, Adnan   GER 1938   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Vukosavic, Darko   CRO 1971   0  
3 2023-06-19   Saric, Husnija   CRO 1744 Forfeit (+)  
4 2023-06-20   Ladisic, Alex-Sacha   FRA 1918   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mrvicin, Marin   GER 1773   0.5  
6 2023-06-22   Sekova, Olivia   SVK 1798   0  
7 2023-06-23   Osswald, Michael   GER 1741   0  
8 2023-06-24   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   0  
9 2023-06-25   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
39923371 Zhou-Donohue, Theodore USA     0 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (+)  
2 2023-06-18   Boehm, Martin   GER 2128   0  
3 2023-06-19   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   0  
4 2023-06-20   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   0  
5 2023-06-21   Hadl, Johann   AUT 1681   0  
6 2023-06-22   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   0  
7 2023-06-23   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   0  
8 2023-06-24   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
79316670 Hadzic, Elvis CRO     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   0  
4 2023-06-20   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   0  
5 2023-06-21   Bilik, Matej   SVK 1533   0  
6 2023-06-22   Hadzipasic, Suad   CRO 1592   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   1.0  
8 2023-06-24   Rathmanner, Anton   AUT 1699   0  
9 2023-06-25   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14562529 Karakatic, Ana CRO     1212 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Novak, Ivo   CRO 1912   0  
2 2023-06-18   Storkebaum, Ulrike   GER 1736   0  
3 2023-06-19   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   0  
4 2023-06-20   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504 Forfeit (+)  
5 2023-06-21   Mezak, Damir   CRO 1710   0  
6 2023-06-22   Kutschker, Alexander   AUT 1628   0  
7 2023-06-23   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   0  
8 2023-06-24   Zhabinskii, Fedor   FID 0   1.0  
9 2023-06-25   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14593920 Cordic, Benjamin CRO     0 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Nesterenko, Kyrylo   UKR 1897   0  
2 2023-06-18   Klasinc, Kristjan   SLO 1725   0  
3 2023-06-19      Forfeit (+)  
4 2023-06-20   Kocevar, Tugomir   SLO 1768   0  
5 2023-06-21   Kekic, Naid   BIH 1699   0  
6 2023-06-22   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Orlovic, Branislav   CRO 1688   0  
8 2023-06-24   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   0  
9 2023-06-25   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14661667 Alyushkin, Stepan SLO     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Vah, Denis   SLO 1908   0  
2 2023-06-18   Hieber, Max   GER 1733   0  
3 2023-06-19   Laakso, Joel   FIN 1703   0  
4 2023-06-20   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   0  
5 2023-06-21   Zhabinskii, Fedor   FID 0   1.0  
6 2023-06-22   Klikic, Drazen   GER 1499   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Matanovic, Pavo   CRO 1832   0  
8 2023-06-24   Unger, Eva   AUT 1633   0  
9 2023-06-25   Uhlarz, Joerg   GER 1532   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
24660930 Bollbach, Ulrich GER     1504 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Striskova, Lucia   SVK 1960   0  
2 2023-06-18   Schnepel, Thomas   GER 1759   0  
3 2023-06-19   Hrdina, Karl   AUT 1839   0  
4 2023-06-20   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212 Forfeit (-)  
5 2023-06-21   Mihic, Peter   SLO 1152 Forfeit (-)  
6 2023-06-22   Zhabinskii, Fedor   FID 0   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Mantey, Jean-Pierre   FRA 1602   0  
8 2023-06-24   Zhou-Donohue, Theodore   USA 0   0  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (+)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14655993 Mihic, Peter SLO     1152 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Siljan, Milorad   CRO 1912   0  
2 2023-06-18   Loncaric, Domagoj   CRO 1735   0  
3 2023-06-19   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   0  
4 2023-06-20   Steiner, Magdalena   AUT 1748   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504 Forfeit (+)  
6 2023-06-22   Kekic, Ahmed   BIH 1653   0  
7 2023-06-23   Mucic, Lovro   CRO 1614   0  
8 2023-06-24   Timagina, Sofia   SLO 1560   0  
9 2023-06-25   Brown, Clark   USA 1634   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14982102 Nosal, Peter SVK     0 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Ochmann, Reimund   GER 1893   0  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Topic, Joso   CRO 1613   0  
4 2023-06-20   Javornik, Lina   SLO 1487   0  
5 2023-06-21   Mendelova, Adela   SVK 1301   0  
6 2023-06-22   Mantic, Jakub   SVK 0   1.0  
7 2023-06-23   Nikolic, Miroslav   CRO 1582   0  
8 2023-06-24   Dzudovic, Ivica   SLO 1669   0  
9 2023-06-25   Zhabinskii, Fedor   FID 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
55694381 Zhabinskii, Fedor FID     0 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Barbir, Petar   CRO 1620   0  
4 2023-06-20   Galante, Benedetto   ITA 1387   0  
5 2023-06-21   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   0  
6 2023-06-22   Bollbach, Ulrich   GER 1504   0  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (+)  
8 2023-06-24   Karakatic, Ana   CRO 1212   0  
9 2023-06-25   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
12935824 Klikic, Drazen GER     1499 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Cordic, Rasim   CRO 1956   0.5  
2 2023-06-18   Javornik, Nik   SLO 2071   0  
3 2023-06-19   Pretnar, Bostjan   SLO 1743   0  
4 2023-06-20   Hellmann, Thomas   GER 1719   0.5  
5 2023-06-21   Morselli, Stefano   ITA 1716   0  
6 2023-06-22   Alyushkin, Stepan   SLO 0   0  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14509296 Saric, Husnija CRO     1744 0.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452   0.5  
3 2023-06-19   Zajec, Jan   CRO 1399 Forfeit (-)  
4 2023-06-20      Forfeit (-)  
5 2023-06-21      Forfeit (-)  
6 2023-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
79300170 Stojkovic, Andrej CRO     1613 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17   Zoernpfenning, Siegfried   AUT 2025   0  
2 2023-06-18   Dahlgren, James Allen   ESP 1820   0  
3 2023-06-19      Forfeit (-)  
4 2023-06-20      Forfeit (-)  
5 2023-06-21      Forfeit (-)  
6 2023-06-22      Forfeit (-)  
7 2023-06-23      Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
14981572 Mantic, Jakub SVK     0 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2023-06-17      Forfeit (-)  
2 2023-06-18      Forfeit (-)  
3 2023-06-19   Nosal, Tobias   SVK 1664   0  
4 2023-06-20   Cesar, Zlatko   CRO 1534   0  
5 2023-06-21   Bozovic, Tatjana   CRO 1398   0  
6 2023-06-22   Nosal, Peter   SVK 0   0  
7 2023-06-23   Ruggeri, Igor   ITA 1452 Forfeit (-)  
8 2023-06-24      Forfeit (-)  
9 2023-06-25      Forfeit (-)  


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