Original Tournament Report
Flores de Mayo-FIDE [373767] (MEX, CDM, Azcapotzalco) Start: 2024-05-31
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5110041 Turincio Garcia, Sergio MEX     2120 6.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   0  
7 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5186986 Juarez Galicia, Amaury MEX     1836 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   0  
4 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   0.5  
5 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5145457 Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac MEX     1873 5.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   0.5  
4 2024-05-31   Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I   MEX 1834   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29618495 Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus MEX     0 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   0  
3 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   0  
5 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I   MEX 1834   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29603072 Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi MEX     1746 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   0  
2 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   0  
4 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
396215693 Zavala Ruiz, Oscar MEX     1894 5.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   0  
2 2024-05-31   De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A   MEX 1680   0  
3 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5139139 Ramirez Lopez, Victor MEX     1742 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   0.5  
4 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   0.5  
5 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   0.5  
7 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5117518 Enriquez Michel, Renato MEX     1942 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   0  
6 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   0.5  
7 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5155649 Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio MEX     1866 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   0.5  
3 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   0  
5 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   0  
6 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A   MEX 1680   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5169844 Mendez Sanchez, Fabian MEX     1615 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   0  
2 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   0.5  
3 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A   MEX 1680   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I   MEX 1834   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   0  
7 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29658187 Rosales Infante, Alberto MEX     0 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   0  
3 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   0  
7 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5103851 Hernandez Urbina, Martin MEX     1848 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   0  
5 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   0  
6 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29661218 Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan MEX     0 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   0  
4 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   0  
6 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   0  
7 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5123836 Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres MEX     1736 4.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   0  
3 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   0  
4 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   0  
6 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5148600 Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio MEX     1669 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   0  
4 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   0  
5 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   0.5  
6 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   0  
7 2024-05-31   Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I   MEX 1834   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5144140 Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul MEX     1723 3.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   0  
3 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   0  
4 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   0  
5 2024-05-31   De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A   MEX 1680   0.5  
6 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5187117 Mazas Cervantes, Iker MEX     1558 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   1.0  
2 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   0  
3 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   0  
4 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   0  
6 2024-05-31   De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A   MEX 1680   0  
7 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29661188 Amezcua Gomez, Raul MEX     0 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Juarez Galicia, Amaury   MEX 1836   0  
2 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   0  
6 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   0  
7 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5140960 De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A MEX     1680 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31      Forfeit 0  
2 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I   MEX 1834   0  
4 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   0  
5 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   0.5  
6 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29613779 Gaona Baez, Ramses MEX     1618 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Rosales Infante, Alberto   MEX 0   0  
2 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   0  
4 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   0  
5 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29642965 Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo MEX     1579 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Enriquez Michel, Renato   MEX 1942   0  
2 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   0  
3 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   0  
4 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5138965 Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I MEX     1834 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31      Forfeit 0  
2 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   De Santos Gonzalez, Diego A   MEX 1680   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   0  
5 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabian   MEX 1615   0  
6 2024-05-31   Bastidas Diaz, Juan Jesus   MEX 0   0  
7 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29661196 Espinosa Flores, Efrain MEX     0 2.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Ramirez Lopez, Victor   MEX 1742   0  
2 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   1.0  
3 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Amezcua Gomez, Raul   MEX 0   0  
5 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   0.5  
6 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   0  
7 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29603650 Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed MEX     1593 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Turincio Garcia, Sergio   MEX 2120   0  
2 2024-05-31   Suro Vargas, Erick Donovan   MEX 0   0  
3 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   0  
5 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   0  
6 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   0  
7 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29637899 Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander MEX     1435 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   0  
2 2024-05-31   Guerrero Galeana, Gerardo Vladimi   MEX 1746   0  
3 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   0  
4 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   0  
6 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
5173086 Najera Reyna, Gabriela MEX     1540 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac   MEX 1873   0  
2 2024-05-31   Espinosa Flores, Efrain   MEX 0   0  
3 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   0  
5 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   0  
7 2024-05-31   Mazas Cervantes, Iker   MEX 1558   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29639875 Urbina Ballina, Christopher MEX     1518 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Mendez Sanchez, Fabrizzio   MEX 1866   0  
2 2024-05-31   Gaona Baez, Ramses   MEX 1618   0  
3 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
4 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   1.0  
5 2024-05-31   Zavala Ruiz, Oscar   MEX 1894   0  
6 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   0  
7 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29639760 Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant MEX     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Lilly Chavez, Erick Andres   MEX 1736   0  
2 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   0  
3 2024-05-31   Juarez Gordillo, Amaury Shamed   MEX 1593   0  
4 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   0  
5 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   1.0  
6 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   0  
7 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29658128 Garcia Montoya, David MEX     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Vasconcelos Olgin, Raul   MEX 1723   0  
2 2024-05-31   Baltazar Ibanez, Israel I   MEX 1834   0  
3 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   0  
4 2024-05-31   Lagunes Harris, Michel Eduardo   MEX 1579   0  
5 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   0  
6 2024-05-31   Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan   MEX 0   1.0  
7 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
29661200 Perez Escalona, Jafet Nathan MEX     0 0.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2024-05-31   Galvan Rodriguez, Mauricio   MEX 1669   0  
2 2024-05-31   Hernandez Urbina, Martin   MEX 1848   0  
3 2024-05-31   Urbina Ballina, Christopher   MEX 1518   0  
4 2024-05-31   Sanchez Juarez, Zlatan Alexander   MEX 1435   0  
5 2024-05-31   Najera Reyna, Gabriela   MEX 1540   0  
6 2024-05-31   Garcia Montoya, David   MEX 0   0  
7 2024-05-31   Figueroa Monterrubio, Victor Sant   MEX 0   0  


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