Original Tournament Report
Final Provincial de Ciego de Ávila [56831] (CUB, Ciego de Avila) Start: 2011-10-01
More information and rating report

ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3516644 Fajardo Leyva, Isnel CUB     2086 14.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
4 2011-10-09   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
8 2011-10-13   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
11 2011-10-16   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   1.0  
12 2011-10-17   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3510360 Hernandez Noa, Rodney CUB     2281 11.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
4 2011-10-09   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0.5  
6 2011-10-11   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0.5  
8 2011-10-13   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
11 2011-10-16   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0.5  
12 2011-10-17   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0.5  
13 2011-10-17   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3513173 Becerra Licor, Keilyn CUB     1916 10.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0.5  
4 2011-10-09   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0.5  
5 2011-10-10   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
6 2011-10-11   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   1.0  
8 2011-10-13   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   1.0  
11 2011-10-16   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0.5  
12 2011-10-17   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
13 2011-10-17   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3501310 Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M CUB     2296 10.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0.5  
4 2011-10-09   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0.5  
8 2011-10-13   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0.5  
9 2011-10-14   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0  
10 2011-10-15   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0.5  
11 2011-10-16   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
12 2011-10-17   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   0.5  
14 2011-10-18   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3501213 Gomez Segura, Adalberto CUB     2302 9.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
2 2011-10-07   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
4 2011-10-09   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
5 2011-10-10   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   1.0  
8 2011-10-13   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0.5  
9 2011-10-14   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   0  
11 2011-10-16   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0.5  
12 2011-10-17   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0  
14 2011-10-18   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3514080 Sanchez Loyola, Anabel CUB     1880 8.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0.5  
3 2011-10-08   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
4 2011-10-09   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0.5  
5 2011-10-10   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
7 2011-10-12   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
8 2011-10-13   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0.5  
10 2011-10-15   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0.5  
11 2011-10-16   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0.5  
12 2011-10-17   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
14 2011-10-18   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3518647 Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis CUB     0 8.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0.5  
3 2011-10-08   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0.5  
4 2011-10-09   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
5 2011-10-10   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
7 2011-10-12   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
8 2011-10-13   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0.5  
10 2011-10-15   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
11 2011-10-16   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
12 2011-10-17   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3517527 Medina Sotolongo, Miguel CUB     1853 8.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
2 2011-10-07   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   1.0  
4 2011-10-09   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
8 2011-10-13   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
9 2011-10-14   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0.5  
11 2011-10-16   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
12 2011-10-17   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
14 2011-10-18   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3512185 Garcell Roque, Jorge CUB     2098 8.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0.5  
2 2011-10-07   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
3 2011-10-08   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
4 2011-10-09   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0.5  
6 2011-10-11   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
7 2011-10-12   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   0.5  
8 2011-10-13   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
11 2011-10-16   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   0  
12 2011-10-17   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0.5  
13 2011-10-17   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3514510 Aragon Placencia, Jesus CUB     2079 7.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0.5  
2 2011-10-07   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
3 2011-10-08   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0.5  
4 2011-10-09   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
6 2011-10-11   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
7 2011-10-12   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
8 2011-10-13   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0  
9 2011-10-14   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
10 2011-10-15   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0.5  
11 2011-10-16   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   0.5  
12 2011-10-17   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
13 2011-10-17   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
14 2011-10-18   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3503852 Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose CUB     1971 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   0  
2 2011-10-07   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
3 2011-10-08   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
4 2011-10-09   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0  
5 2011-10-10   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0  
6 2011-10-11   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
7 2011-10-12   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   0.5  
8 2011-10-13   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   1.0  
9 2011-10-14   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
10 2011-10-15   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   1.0  
11 2011-10-16   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   1.0  
12 2011-10-17   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0  
13 2011-10-17   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0.5  
14 2011-10-18   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3505340 Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis CUB     2075 4.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   1.0  
2 2011-10-07   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0  
3 2011-10-08   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
4 2011-10-09   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
5 2011-10-10   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
6 2011-10-11   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0.5  
8 2011-10-13   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   0  
9 2011-10-14   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0  
10 2011-10-15   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
11 2011-10-16   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
12 2011-10-17   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
13 2011-10-17   Uria Aguilera, Yoandri   CUB 1984   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   1.0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3519589 Ortega Perez, Marelis CUB     0 3.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
2 2011-10-07   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
3 2011-10-08   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
4 2011-10-09   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
5 2011-10-10   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0  
6 2011-10-11   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
7 2011-10-12   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
8 2011-10-13   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
9 2011-10-14   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
10 2011-10-15   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
11 2011-10-16   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
12 2011-10-17   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0  
13 2011-10-17   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   0  
14 2011-10-18   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3519597 Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra CUB     0 2.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
2 2011-10-07   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
3 2011-10-08   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
4 2011-10-09   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   0  
5 2011-10-10   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
6 2011-10-11   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   0  
7 2011-10-12   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0  
8 2011-10-13   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
9 2011-10-14   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
10 2011-10-15   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
11 2011-10-16   Diaz Castro, Yinet   CUB 0   1.0  
12 2011-10-17   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
13 2011-10-17   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   1.0  
14 2011-10-18   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3516652 Uria Aguilera, Yoandri CUB     1984 1.5 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
2 2011-10-07   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
3 2011-10-08   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0  
4 2011-10-09   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0  
5 2011-10-10   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
6 2011-10-11   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   0  
7 2011-10-12   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   0.5  
8 2011-10-13   Hernandez Noa, Rodney   CUB 2281   0  
9 2011-10-14   Gomez Segura, Adalberto   CUB 2302   0  
10 2011-10-15   Garcell Roque, Jorge   CUB 2098   0  
11 2011-10-16   Aragon Placencia, Jesus   CUB 2079   0.5  
12 2011-10-17   Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M   CUB 2296   0  
13 2011-10-17   Ulloa Gonzalez, Luis   CUB 2075   0  
14 2011-10-18   Fonseca Del Pozo, Jose   CUB 1971   0.5  
ID Name Country     Rating Total Games DB
3519570 Diaz Castro, Yinet CUB     0 1.0 Game
Round Opp. name Opp. Fed. Title W.Title Opp. Rtng Score View
1 2011-10-06   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0  
2 2011-10-07   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
3 2011-10-08   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   0  
4 2011-10-09   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   1.0  
5 2011-10-10   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
6 2011-10-11   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
7 2011-10-12   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  
8 2011-10-13   Sanchez Loyola, Anabel   CUB 1880   0  
9 2011-10-14   Medina Sotolongo, Miguel   CUB 1853   0  
10 2011-10-15   Ortega Perez, Marelis   CUB 0   0  
11 2011-10-16   Rodriguez Castillo, Leidy Sandra   CUB 0   0  
12 2011-10-17   Mursuli Gonzalez, Hector Luis   CUB 0   0  
13 2011-10-17   Becerra Licor, Keilyn   CUB 1916   0  
14 2011-10-18   Fajardo Leyva, Isnel   CUB 2086   0  


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