FIDE Ratings Download
International Chess Federation
Download December 2024 FRL
Combined list STD, BLZ, RPD:
TXT format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 33.89 MB)

XML format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 38.40 MB)

LEGACY format (not rated included) STD, RPD, BLZ combined
TXT format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 33.77 MB)

XML format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 37.95 MB)

TXT format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 10.73 MB)

XML format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 11.61 MB)

TXT format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 7.92 MB)

XML format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 8.53 MB)

TXT format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 5.48 MB)

XML format (09 Dec 2024, Sz: 5.91 MB)


STD/SRTNG - Standard rating
RPD/RRTNG - Rapid rating
BLZ/BRTNG - Blitz rating
SGM - number of STANDARD rated games in given period
RGM - number of RAPID rated games in given period
BGM - number of BLITZ rating games in given period
SK - STANDARD rating K factor
RK - RAPID rating K factor
BK - BLITZ rating K factor
B-day/BORN - year of birth of a player
ID NUMBER - identification number of a player within FIDE database
NAME - name of a player
TIT/TITL - title of a player (g - Grand Master, wg - Woman Grand Master, m - Interntional Master, wm - Woman International Master, f - FIDE Master, wf - Woman FIDE Master, c - Candidate Master, wc - Woman Candidate Master)
FED - Federation of a player
OTIT - Other titles of a player which may include (IA - International Arbiter, FA - FIDE Arbiter, NA - National Arbiter, IO - International Organizer, FT - FIDE Trainer, FST - FIDE Senior Trainer, DI - Developmental Instructor, NI - National Instructor)
FLAG - flag of inactivity (I - inactive, WI - woman inactive, w - woman)
SEX - sex of a player (M - male, F - female)