Championship Rostov-on-Don - 2022 (G-17) April 2022 Russia FIDE Chess Tournament report
Chess Federation

Archive. Tournament report April 2022

Championship Rostov-on-Don - 2022 (G-17) April 2022 Russia FIDE Chess Tournament report

Tournament details
The full list of Russia tournaments received for April 2022
55719023 Ulyanova, Anastasiya D  RUS 1181   3.50  5 31.6
34229094 Zakharova, Elena  RUS 1183   3.50  5 36
54150035 Savchenko, Anastasia  RUS 1164   3.00  5 -15.2
34312471 Pasko, Valeriya  RUS 1212   3.00  4 36.8
55693962 Kadyrova, Aydemi  RUS 1186 913 1.00  6 0
55634222 Sizenko, Marina  RUS 1212   1.00  4 -4
34353640 Khantimeryan, Galina  RUS 1195   0.00  5 -85.2

Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, Chg. - rating change for a player in given tournament
The full list of Russia tournaments received for April 2022