Arye Urieli Memorial Intl October 2005 Israel FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report October 2005
Arye Urieli Memorial Intl - Israel      start: 2005-06-22  more info
More information: The full list of Israel tournaments received for October 2005 
 14100061  Lerner, Konstantin Z. UKRg 2391   6 9 -3
 2800659  Zifroni, Dov ISRg 2393   6 9 -0.3
 4101057  Bykhovsky, Avigdor RUSg 2403   5.5 9 7.3
 2801698  Haimovich, Tal ISRf 2408   5 9 12.9
 2803917  Deutsch, Eyal ISRf 2413   5 9 21
 2806258  Porat, Shi ISRm 2405   4.5 9 -0.9
 4167554  Grinshpun, Eduard RUSm 2409   4.5 9 4.5
 2800063  Lev, Ronen ISRg 2401   4 9 -10.4
 2806266  Porat, David ISRf 2414   2.5 9 -13.8
 2009692  Shutzman, Joseph USA 2417   2 9 -15.9
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Israel tournaments received for October 2005 

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