WE 48 Coppa Citta' di Cagliari - A January 2025 Italy FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report January 2025
WE 48 Coppa Citta' di Cagliari - A - Italy      start: 2024-12-05  more info
More information: The full list of Italy tournaments received for January 2025 
 890693  Pitzanti, Matteo ITA 2002   4.50 6 -2.2
 2894101  De Ieso, Lorenzo ITA 2030   4.00 6 36
 28561023  Mela, Francesco ITA 2009   4.00 6 25.6
 720500  Boricsev, Oleg HUN 1995   4.00 6 -2.4
 895830  Bonali, Leonardo ITA 1998   3.50 6 12
 28536690  Porcu, Riccardo ITA 1985   2.50 6 3.6
 811904  Ardu, Luigi ITA 1943   2.00 6 8.8
 28585046  Cugia, Filippo ITA 1945   1.50 5 -32.8
 838730  Nessi, Davide ITA 1988   1.50 5 -3.6
 28557085  Spiga, Giovanni ITA 1890   0.50 4 -56.4
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Italy tournaments received for January 2025 

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