OP 3 RAPID COPPA SCACCHI STORE December 2024 Italy FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report December 2024
OP 3 RAPID COPPA SCACCHI STORE - Italy      start: 2024-11-17  more info
More information: The full list of Italy tournaments received for December 2024 
 895733  Sonis, Francesco ITA 2141   8.00 8 6.4
 895741  Sonis, Luca ITA 1803   6.00 8 3.4
 28585046  Cugia, Filippo ITA 1702   5.50 8 58.4
 28557131  Moretti, Lorenzo ITA 1720   5.00 8 17.6
 2844457  Mascia, Roberto ITA 1757   5.00 8 12.4
 811904  Ardu, Luigi ITA 1759   5.00 8 0.6
 34190724  Oleh, Oliinyk UKR 1718   5.00 8 19.8
 28576675  Zanda, Lorenzo ITA 1782   4.50 8 73.6
 28560221  Pisu, Andrea ITA 1645   3.50 7 6.2
 23418699  Secchi, Antonio ITA 1702   3.50 7 -0.4
 28593847  Soru, Christian ITA 1618   3.50 7 7
 28594886  Garau, Victoria ITA 1539 1452 3.00 8 0
 28578457  Caddeo, Roberto ITA 1630   3.00 7 9.6
 23436646  Dessi `, Raffaele Salvatore ITA 1606   3.00 8 -24.4
 23418680  Puddu, Benvenuto ITA 1580   3.00 6 -12
 23416947  Krotikov, Borys ITA 1571 1484 3.00 8 0
 28578562  Pisu, Davide ITA 1653   3.00 7 -1
 23418672  Porceddu, Efisio ITA 1591   3.00 7 9.8
 23468270  Aresu, Lorenzo ITA 1636   3.00 7 -32.8
 23456264  Casu Gupta, Angel ITA 1573   2.50 7 -25.2
 28553810  Spano, Luca ITA 1653   2.00 7 -13.6
 28578589  Zanda, Luca ITA 1554   2.00 7 -32
 23440716  Garau, Paolo ITA 1540   1.00 6 -45.2
 28578449  Caddeo, Andrea ITA 1565   0.00 6 -55.6
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Italy tournaments received for December 2024 

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