Settimanale 51 Lazio Scacchi - B Rounds 1-2-3-4 December 2024 Italy FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report December 2024
Settimanale 51 Lazio Scacchi - B Rounds 1-2-3-4 - Italy      start: 2024-11-04  more info
More information: The full list of Italy tournaments received for December 2024 
 28567536  Antonuccio, Pietro ITA 1553   4.00 4 39.8
 13530291  Piatrouski, Makar BLR 1524   3.00 4 21.6
 2809554  Penza, Michele ITA 1526   3.00 4 3.6
 28554043  Denza, Massimiliano ITA 1524   2.50 4 10.4
 882283  Luigi, Rinaldo ITA 1493   2.50 3 6.4
 2833994  Rossi, Roberto ITA 1499   2.00 4 -9.4
 28561660  Fiorenza, Valerio ITA 1514   2.00 3 8
 28549589  Moreno, Giovanni ITA 1564   2.00 3 13.4
 2837035  Fossatelli, Marino ITA 1508   2.00 4 7.6
 23435267  Ricci, Davide ITA 1581   1.50 4 -6.8
 28560710  Serzanti, Massimo ITA 1541   1.50 4 2
 28515650  Vittorietti, Marco ITA 1577   1.00 3 -3.4
 653091663  Leveque, Michel FRA 1612   1.00 3 -2.8
 28561333  Vetere, Aldo ITA 1520   1.00 3 -11.4
 23441771  Di Gioia, Ivano ITA 1552   1.00 4 -20
 23441747  Baccanari, Mattia ITA 1494 694 0.00 3 0
 28533330  Mosillo, Alessandro ITA 1545   0.00 2 -31.2
 28581946  Pirri, Marco ITA 1481   0.00 4 -94.8
 23471816  Raddi, Angelo ITA 1527 727 0.00 3 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Italy tournaments received for December 2024 

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