XXVI Torneo Escuela Ajedrez Jandula Andujar Sub1800 January 2025 Spain FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report January 2025
XXVI Torneo Escuela Ajedrez Jandula Andujar Sub1800 - Spain      start: 2024-11-23  more info
More information: The full list of Spain tournaments received for January 2025 
 54547610  Salas Relano, Angel ESP 1633   6.00 8 63.2
 24542695  Rubio Arevalo, Miguel Angel ESP 1626   5.50 8 16.8
 22253912  Moreno Bello, Miguel ESP 1625   5.00 8 -2.4
 94785899  De Gracia Santaolaya, Mireya ESP 1651   4.50 8 70.8
 94710600  Moreno Carrasco, Luis ESP 1634   4.50 8 3.4
 54784085  De Gracia Santaolaya, Christian ESP 1638   4.50 8 21.6
 22288031  Munoz Marmol, Antonio ESP 1626   3.00 8 -40.4
 523074981  Gallego Fernandez, Andres Jorge ESP 1653   2.50 8 0.8
 22288040  Ortas Castilla, Manuel ESP 1649   0.50 8 -47.2
 523078723  Aceituno Solis, Javier ESP 1637 837 0.00 9 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Spain tournaments received for January 2025 

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