Championnat des Hauts de France Jeunes 2024-25 - Zone Nord - U08 January 2025 France FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report January 2025
Championnat des Hauts de France Jeunes 2024-25 - Zone Nord - U08 - France      start: 2024-12-22  more info
More information: The full list of France tournaments received for January 2025 
 527021203  Cayzeele, Victor FRA 1446   1.00 1 16.8
 527059782  Etemadzadeh, Theobald FRA 1475 1475 1.00 2 0
 527059260  Desjacques, Bayard FRA 1475 1282 0.50 2 0
 527064883  Vermersch, Aria FRA 1446 646 0.00 1 0
 527059804  Granville, Romain FRA 1503 703 0.00 1 0
 527016374  Fleurquin, Shaynna FRA 1503 703 0.00 1 0
 527057437  Zhuang, Lilio FRA 1475 675 0.00 2 0
 653090187  Doucet, Olympe FRA 1446 646 0.00 1 0
 80442609  Roger, Basile FRA 1503 703 0.00 1 0
 80444202  Dubois, Arsene FRA 1503   0.00 1 -16.8
 527064875  Burggraeve, Yann FRA 1446 646 0.00 1 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of France tournaments received for January 2025 

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