82.Badischer Schachkongress Gruppe D 1800 July 2010 Germany FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report July 2010
82.Badischer Schachkongress Gruppe D 1800 - Germany      start: 2010-06-03  more info
More information: The full list of Germany tournaments received for July 2010 
 26019400  Rogalla, Raimund FRA 1759 1772 2.00 3 0
 24654450  Spiegelberg, Silvia GER 1740   2.00 2 18
 12907758  Roeger, Elias GER 1759 1672 1.50 4 0
 4674448  Gissler, Juergen GER 1702 1702 1.50 3 0
 12919837  Ruf, Thomas GER 1744 1744 1.50 3 0
 4644530  Krueger, Bernd GER 1790   1.00 1 12
 24684457  Jovanovic, Luka GER 1716   0.50 2 -9.75
 12919896  Koelmel, Bernd GER 1759 1486 0.50 3 0
 4661087  Merz, Raphael GER 1675   0.50 1 -3
 1270239  Brzezinka, Kenneth GER 1807   0.00 1 -12
 24664065  Antritter, Dieter GER 1666   0.00 1 -17.25
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Germany tournaments received for July 2010 

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