Archive. Tournament report March 2012
27th North American Masters - United States of America      start: 2011-12-26  more info
More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for March 2012 
 14000652  Amanov, Mesgen TKM 2244   7.50 9 0.2
 5026520  Jayakumar, Adarsh USA 2290   6.50 9 45.75
 5041350  Shankar, Gauri IND 2290   6.50 9 32.55
 2032562  Rosen, Eric S USA 2290   6.00 9 19.2
 5200490  Young, Angelo PHI 2244   5.00 9 -7.6
 5013291  Arjun, Vishnuvardh IND 2244   4.50 9 -11.7
 13000063  Zin, Aung Thant MYA 2298   4.50 9 -0.6
 5012554  Kunche, Nikhilesh IND 2298   4.00 9 0.75
 2005255  Magness, Trevor S USA 2298   3.50 9 9.45
 2002167  Chow, Albert C USA 2296   3.00 9 -6.75
 2800560  Wolf, Dan ISR 2296   2.00 9 -31.35
 2038080  Waller, Matthew USA 2296   1.00 9 -91.8
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for March 2012 

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