21st Metropolitan Chess FIDE Qualifier August 2012 United States of America FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report August 2012
21st Metropolitan Chess FIDE Qualifier - United States of America      start: 2012-07-13  more info
More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for August 2012 
 2046245  Karman, Allan USA 1981   4.00 5 34.5
 2023180  Hall, Bobby J USA 1954   2.50 5 -5.25
 2062020  Yim, Tony Sung KOR 2019   2.50 4 3.15
 2071770  Gojich, Alex USA 2001   2.50 4 8.1
 2023822  Sobel, Simone USA 2008   2.50 4 20.7
 2077922  Korba, Nicky USA 1927   2.00 4 -8.7
 2046547  Bykovtsev, Agata USA 1970   1.50 3 4.2
 2068400  Shuben, Matthew USA 2005 1918 1.50 4 0
 2062070  Jain, Shaurya R USA 1915   1.50 3 -10.8
 2046377  Mousseri, Daniel Y USA 2049   1.00 3 -12.3
 2057034  Salvaryan, Hovanes USA 1967   0.50 3 -14.1
 2073781  Quercia, Dylan USA 1885   0.50 2 -15
 2062348  Katagi, Samuel S USA 1925 1125 0.00 2 0
 2057360  Sheng, Joshua USA 2007   0.00 2 -23.1
 2062240  Chang, Aaron USA 1978 1178 0.00 3 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for August 2012 

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