Archive. Tournament report June 2014
XXVII Tomas Jimenez - Cuba      start: 2014-04-19  more info
More information: The full list of Cuba tournaments received for June 2014 
 3506703  Diaz Murgada, Rider CUB 2349   9.50 14 30
 3507009  Quesada Vera, Liordis CUB 2339   9.00 14 1.4
 3509079  Martinez Ramirez, Lennis CUB 2355   9.00 14 37.2
 3507475  Soto Hernandez, Henry CUB 2342   7.00 14 -14.4
 3505065  Leyva Rivera, Yunier CUB 2343   7.00 14 -13.8
 3509915  Hernandez Gonzalez, William CUB 2351   5.50 14 -23.4
 3501310  Castellanos Sanchez, Carlos M. CUB 2367   5.00 14 4.5
 3520773  Quesada Perez, Luis Ernesto CUB 2369   4.00 14 -8.1
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Cuba tournaments received for June 2014 

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