Tournaments Received for April 2016 United States of America
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 The total number of registered tournaments: 30
Country: United States of America

PGN Event NameCitySysStartEndReceivedI
Tournaments registered for April 2016 (2016-04-01)
  20th Annual Mid-America Open Saint Louis, Missouris 2016-03-18 2016-03-20 2016-03-25Inf.
  10th Annual Philadelphia Open Philadelphia, Pennsylvanias 2016-03-23 2016-03-27 2016-03-30Inf.
  2016 New Hampshire Closed Manchester, New Hampshires 2016-03-04 2016-03-06 2016-03-25Inf.
 Manchester March GM Norm Manchester, New Hampshired 2016-03-02 2016-03-07 2016-03-08Inf.
  2016 US Amateur Team Championship North Schaumburgh, Illinoiss 2016-02-19 2016-02-21 2016-03-21Inf.
  2016 Feb.-March Marshall FIDE Mondays New York, New Yorks 2016-02-08 2016-03-14 2016-03-18Inf.
  2016 Lone Star Open Houston, Texass 2016-03-18 2016-03-20 2016-03-28Inf.
  2016 Lone Star Open - U2000 Houston, Texass 2016-03-18 2016-03-20 2016-03-28Inf.
  2016 Boris Kogan Memorial Chamblee, Georgias 2016-03-11 2016-03-13 2016-03-15Inf.
  38th Annual Marchand Open Rochester, New Yorks 2016-03-19 2016-03-20 2016-03-29Inf.
  March 2016 Marshall Weekend FIDE New York, New Yorks 2016-03-04 2016-03-06 2016-03-09Inf.
  March 2016 Marshall Masters New York, New Yorks 2016-03-15 2016-03-15 2016-03-18Inf.
  5th Annual Reno-Larry Evans Memorial Open Reno, Nevadas 2016-03-25 2016-03-27 2016-03-30Inf.
  48th Virginia Open Dulles, Virginias 2016-03-18 2016-03-20 2016-03-28Inf.
  Marshall March 2016 FIDE Blitz New York, New Yorks 2016-03-25 2016-03-25 2016-03-28Inf.
  2016 DCC FIDE Open III Richardson, Texass 2016-02-27 2016-02-28 2016-03-18Inf.
  2016 DCC FIDE Open IV Richardson, Texass 2016-03-19 2016-03-20 2016-03-25Inf.
  2016 UTDallas versus USA Junior All Stars Dallas, Texast 2016-03-11 2016-03-16 2016-03-17Inf.
  3rd Annual Ron Simpson Memorial Burlington, North Carolinas 2016-03-18 2016-03-20 2016-03-23Inf.
  Northern Virginia Chess League 2016 Round 2 Sterling, Virginiat 2016-03-13 2016-03-13 2016-03-18Inf.
  2016 Minnesota Championship Minneapolis, Minnesotar 2016-03-11 2016-03-13 2016-03-17Inf.
 2nd UTRGV GM-norm Chess Tournament Brownsville, Texasr 2016-03-06 2016-03-13 2016-03-17Inf.
  Berkeley Chess School Weekender March Berkeley, Californias 2016-03-11 2016-03-13 2016-03-17Inf.
 2016 CCCSA IM Norm Invitational Charlotte, North Carolinar 2016-03-23 2016-03-27 2016-03-28Inf.
 2016 CCCSA GM Norm Invitational Charlotte, North Carolinar 2016-03-23 2016-03-27 2016-03-28Inf.
  2016 Cedar Rapids Leather Jackets Open Cedar Rapids, Iowas 2016-03-05 2016-03-06 2016-03-16Inf.
  2016 New England Masters Cambridge, Massachusettss 2016-03-17 2016-03-20 2016-03-25Inf.
  Seattle Kings vs. Princes Match II Seattle, Washingtons 2016-03-11 2016-03-13 2016-03-18Inf.
  FKM Winter January 2016 Fremont, Californias 2016-01-15 2016-02-12 2016-03-01Inf.
  2016 New England Masters U2200 Cambridge, Massachusettss 2016-03-17 2016-03-20 2016-03-25Inf.
Tournament System: r = Round Robin,d = Double RR, s = Swiss, t = Team, m = Match


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