Archive. Tournament report September 2015
July Lviv Tradition (IM-group) - Ukraine      start: 2015-07-27  more info
More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 
 14118734  Mischuk, Dmitry UKR 2218   6.50 9 6.8
 1137565  Sabuk, Piotr POL 2218   5.50 9 -7.2
 14124122  Petrova, Irina UKR 2237   5.50 9 36
 14116588  Odnorozhenko, Evgenyi UKR 2222   5.50 9 1.5
 14112035  Doluhanova, Evgeniya UKR 2229   5.00 9 7.4
 1132679  Bebel, Arkadiusz POL 2222   5.00 9 -8.8
 903540  Bondarets, Vadim UKR 2222   4.00 9 -13.8
 13505432  Katashuk, V BLR 2233   4.00 9 -1.6
 1134043  Adamowicz, Katarzyna POL 2238   4.00 9 9.4
 14130130  Musiaka, Viktor UKR 2262   0.00 9 -24.2
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 

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