Archive. Tournament report September 2015
International Chess day 2015 (blitz) - Ukraine      start: 2015-08-02  more info
More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 
 14125609  Hapchyn, Mykola UKR 1784   11.00 13 16.8
 14176483  Kulynych, Oleh UKR 1828 1898 10.00 13 0
 14144093  Thir, Igor UKR 1809   10.00 13 109.8
 14148110  Leskiv, Mykhailo UKR 1801   8.00 13 31.6
 14144018  Kurylo, Stepan UKR 1801   7.50 13 21
 14148404  Lavrys, Taras UKR 1810   7.00 13 52.8
 14116219  Chmyr, Mykhailo UKR 1791   6.50 13 -44.6
 14143968  Chugai, Volodymyr UKR 1815   6.00 13 52
 14120801  Alekseev, Viktor UKR 1797   6.00 13 -26.4
 14148269  Smilka, Stepan UKR 1799   5.00 13 -39
 14176491  Mahnyk, Yuriy UKR 1828 1747 5.00 13 0
 14148200  Saets, Anton UKR 1828 1747 5.00 13 0
 14148412  Luchyn, Ivan UKR 1805   4.00 13 -28
 14144115  Varanytsya, Petro UKR 1795   0.00 13 -159.6
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 

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