Archive. Tournament report September 2015
Superfinal Stryi Championship (rapid) - Ukraine      start: 2015-08-09  more info
More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 
 14118696  Megur, Vladislav UKR 2040   12.00 14 82.8
 14140977  Krashanovych, Vitalii UKR 2061   9.50 14 92.8
 14121530  Vyval, Volodymyr UKR 2020   9.00 14 -32.4
 14132249  Korobov, Yuriy UKR 2033   8.00 14 -19.2
 14143216  Prystay, Roman UKR 2035   7.50 14 -22.8
 14139774  Dunayer, Yakov UKR 2049   4.00 14 -53.2
 14124556  Korman, Roman UKR 2063   3.50 14 -22
 14143054  Arakelyan, Karpo UKR 2069   2.50 14 -26
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Ukraine tournaments received for September 2015 

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