Archive. Tournament report October 2017
2017 Danville Open - United States of America      start: 2017-09-23  more info
More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for October 2017 
 335398  Marek, Matyas CZE 2005   3.00 3 3.4
 30946379  Dudley, Ian USA 1960 1960 2.00 4 0
 30946387  Freed-Thall, Michael USA 1949 1949 0.50 1 0
 2030349  Chesnut, Walter USA 2025 1832 0.50 2 0
 2624834  Tsanaclis, Albert CAN 1832   0.00 1 -3.2
 2094320  Beloungie, Lance USA 2349   0.00 1 -3.2
 2052016  Carter, David USA 2358   0.00 1 -3.6
 30917484  Slive, Alex USA 1766 966 0.00 2 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for October 2017 

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