II Campeonato Nacional Juvenil de Ajedrez Sub 15 Femenino October 2017 Peru FIDE Chess Tournament report
Archive. Tournament report October 2017
II Campeonato Nacional Juvenil de Ajedrez Sub 15 Femenino - Peru      start: 2017-08-30  more info
More information: The full list of Peru tournaments received for October 2017 
 3819400  Hilario, Aleyla PER 1519   6.50 7 7.2
 3826082  Loyola Torres, Maria Gracia PER 1396   6.00 8 25.6
 3824071  Estrada Cantaro, Alexandra Fiore PER 1465   4.50 7 -12.8
 3847640  Vasquez Tanchiva, Katerine Paola PER 1491 1511 4.00 7 0
 3831639  Cervantes Puma, Jarissa PER 1397   3.50 7 -10.8
 3840573  Sencca Ojeda, Gaby Lucia PER 1440 1390 3.00 7 0
 3829308  Aguilar Oblitas, Diana PER 1436   3.00 7 -16.4
 3835170  Villagaray Hilario, Evelyn Yadhi PER 1497   2.50 6 5.2
 3834441  Oquiche, Ariana PER 1469   2.00 6 44.4
 3835162  Velarde Munante, Cecilia Esthefa PER 1421   1.50 4 25.2
 3839044  Guevara Siesquen, Fiorella Nayel PER 1584   1.00 4 4
 3824691  Estela Diaz, Lesly Milagros PER 1388   0.50 4 -16
 3847039  Parihuaman Gomez, Cristabel Bele PER 1256 456 0.00 5 0
 3845672  Tito Gudiel, Sumac Chaska PER 1324 524 0.00 6 0
 3827844  Nieto, Claudia PER 1293   0.00 2 -27.8
 3847128  Santamaria Chaponan, Katya Paola PER 1250 450 0.00 5 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Peru tournaments received for October 2017 

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