Archive. Tournament report February 2019
Westford January 2019 Open - United States of America      start: 2019-01-05  more info
More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for February 2019 
 2000202  Ivanov, Alexander USA 2260   3.00 4 1.2
 8603537  Zhou, Jianchao CHN 2336   2.50 3 0.5
 2011549  Castaneda, Nelson USA 2091   2.00 3 0.4
 30929741  Li, Jerry USA 2059   1.50 3 8.8
 2007002  Vigorito, David USA 2161   1.50 3 -5.1
 2086123  Ramanathan, Suraj USA 2055   1.50 3 15.2
 2004127  Terrie, Henry USA 2288   1.00 2 15.6
 8615187  Wang, Tony CHN 2182   1.00 2 30.4
 2052016  Carter, David USA 2055   1.00 3 -15.6
 2063786  Bonnell, Leo USA 2029   0.00 2 -11.6
 30924014  Yu, Alex USA 2107   0.00 2 -18.4
 30952565  Pashkov, Peter USA 1895 1095 0.00 4 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of United States of America tournaments received for February 2019 

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