Archive. Tournament report October 2024
Championship of the Moscow region_rapid_2024_G15 - Russia      start: 2024-09-01  more info
More information: The full list of Russia tournaments received for October 2024 
 55718167  Morozova, Aleksandra Art RUS 1560   6.50 7 29.6
 34471782  Obraztsova, Elizaveta RUS 1582   5.50 7 42.8
 55672892  Klyueva, Tatyana Ig RUS 1610   4.00 5 42.4
 55761666  Palagina, Aleksandra Ant RUS 1548 1355 1.00 4 0
 55674453  Semenova, Mariya Andr RUS 1683   1.00 4 -11.6
 34237437  Pavlushova, Irina RUS 1646   1.00 5 -14.4
 55673651  Konotop, Mariya Ser RUS 1627   1.00 4 -32.8
 55847218  Krivolapova, Daria S RUS 1666   1.00 5 -25.6
 55664539  Sermavbrina, Elizaveta Kon RUS 1659   0.00 3 -30.4
 34469370  Koroleva, Darya An RUS 1507 707 0.00 4 0
 522004602  Kalyukina, Mariya Ser RUS 1562 762 0.00 4 0
 34411810  Zhukova, Valeriya M RUS 1504 704 0.00 4 0
Rc - average rating of rated opponents, Rp - rating performance, W - points won in games against rated opponents, N - total number of games against rated opponents, K*change - rating change for a player in given tournament

More information: The full list of Russia tournaments received for October 2024 

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